Wednesday, September 29, 2010

#11 - A Lesson Learnt

  I'm back (: Exam is just around the corner and I'm still here updating my blog. Heehee :D Alright, here to wish everyone all the best for their examinations which is one week away from today. I'm here today to show you guys something I learn from somebody. Anyone still remember who Silver Ang is? Yes, I learnt something from her. This is with regards to her post about healing of wounds. Well, recently, I've been mugging. It's boring to memorize all the thick notes. While revising, I found a blueblack on my leg and I started to rub on it as I memorize. As I memorize, I rub harder and harder without knowing that I was tearing away bits of my skin cell. Upon finishing my revision, I was shock to find a hole on my leg, bleeding. The next morning when I woke up, there was a stinging sensation. Luckily, my sister showed me the post by Silver Ang a few days ago, which allowed my wound to heal faster.
Warning:the pictures below may look gory.
 The hole.
Another view of the tiny Injury.

OMG???????!!!!! What to do?!

 First, you need antiseptic cream, which helps in the healing of your skin. I chose the Senkon brand of antiseptic cream.
 Next, a tiny plaster is what you need to cover up the wound to prevent the antisceptic cream from getting washed off when in contact with water.
Lastly, 2 pieces of tissue paper.

Now, the process of dressing of the wound. It's quick and easy (:

 First, begin by ensuring that the wound is dry before dressing. This also helps to remove and pus secreted by the wound. The first piece of tissue paper is used. Then, after the wound is clean and dry, spread the antiseptic cream over.

Squeeze around 2-3cm of the antiseptic cream onto the second piece of tissue.

 Apply it to the wound.
 This is how thick it would look like. It should be thick to ensure that your wound is moisturized, because your skin tends to dry up quickly to form scars to prevent bacteria infection.

Continue using the second piece of tissue and use it to spread the antiseptic cream around the wound.

 Use the piece of plaster to cover up the wound after spreading of antiseptic cream is done.
This is the end of the dressing. For more information, you can visit (:

  Now, it's time for me to reveal the penknife cut on my finger 2 months ago.
 This is the picture of the wound exposed after wrapped in the doctor's dressing for 3 days. Pretty deep cut. What a pity I didn't show you the flab of skin and flesh that was cut off :P
This is the result of applying healing cream for around 2-3 weeks, which allow the skin the grow back quickly to prevent scar formation. It ain't that obvious now. Afterall, this is the year I had the most number of injuries from cuts to bruises and sprains. At least something is gained from the pain - experience. Well, the picture below shows a comparison of my finger before and after healing. Enjoy.

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