Friday, September 17, 2010

#10 - Bored of Boredom

  I'm back again today(: Finally get to release early from school after so long, since the teachers and staffs are going out to enjoy their lunch at Jurong Safra. How I wish I was invited. Btw, today's topic in maths was on prom night. Everyone was like talking about it right after Miss Lee brought up the topic. Shockingly, there are people in this world who don't know what is a prom night. o-o No individuals targeted. I wonder how and where our prom night would be next year. Everyone will most probably be wearing similar clothing and who knows if any two were wearing the same clothing. I also can't imagine some of them in formal clothes. Eg. small boys in suits or tomboys in dresses? HAHAHA!

 A suit? Nah, this is for kids :P
 Something like this look more decent. (:
Prom Dresses (: Prettttty?.

  Hmm. Today there's nothing much to talk about. Maybe a little about Japan trip. Yeah, we will be flying at 1am (: Happy TTM. There will be like so little people in the airport at that time and we can do what we want. But what's worst is that we will have to take to flight to Nagoya then take the bullet train to Osaka as our body would ache like mad. So sad that the Osaka flights are all fully booked. But, it's quite a good opportunity to take the bullet train. (:  Alright, shall post again. (:

BULLET TRAINS! Yeah I'm excited. Looks coool ^^.