Sunday, September 5, 2010

#6 - Barbeque

  Okay, I'm posting again today (: I haven't even started mugging even though I told myself I would start on yesterday. Another day wasted watching TV. I shall do Maths revision today seriously after 9.30 pm -.- Then I'll take a good rest after 2-3hours of revising. Can't wait for tomorrow's BBQ you know? (: I'm gonna make people do the silly faces. You know it. I shall enjoy myself tomorrow. Then I'll have Tuesday - Sunday to study. Which is like 6 days. Enough to maybe finish both maths? Yeah, tomorow gotta rush home then get changed and fly to Yuhui's house to grab all the materials. Then train to PR which is WTFabczxc. So far away, don't even know if we have to change rides cause some stations are closed. Don't miss me people, I will blog on tuesday most probably. I'm so hungry now, thinking of all the BBQ-ed wings.....

  Salivating????? Nah, not such high class BBQ obviously. It is @ ECP. you know, the conditions there aren't like this cause it is public not private BBQ. But, the food BBqed taste equally well I guess.
  I swear this is the best photo of the BBQ pit I can find in google for ECP (: The worst moment tomorrow shall be the part where we walk to our pit. I bet it'll always be so far away. Walking for like 1km I think? Luckily there's something called bicycles. Whatever. Hope tomorrow there's lots of people going. 20+ to 30+ I guess. I shall try to stop myself from BBQing cause everytime the people BBQing end up not getting any food. Those waiting for food whines till you get pissed off. Seriously, my first BBq with secondary class pissed me off cause some people are just so lazy and make people cook food for them.

  Okay I shall talk about a dream recently. I'm sure you people know  sprained my elbow like donkey days ago. Till now, I can't really use my left arm to hold things or what. I dreamt that my mum brought me to some private specialist. The specialist told me that he needs to operate my hand on the spot. I was like WTF? Then I was busy screaming at him to give me anesthesia before he cuts open my skin. Then he applied obviously. What's worst is going to happen. He took some steak cutting knife to cut open my skin. There was no blood oozing out -.- Then I tried pulling open and my skin open widely. I stuck my finger in and touch, eew, it was sticky. Afterwards, the specialist sort off pulled my veins or what then he said it was okay. Then he gave me a super huge pill which resembles a piece of charcoal. He made me crush and swallow it on the spot. Believe me, I actually felt myself eating it and it really tasted like charcoal. After that, he say I can go already. When I was about to leave, I realized that my wound is still open. Then I went back to tell him then it's not sewn. Then he told me he forgotten to do so and I woke up. HAHAHAHA! Damn funny right? Okay, whatever.

That's not my hand people. Illustrations added to aid visualization. Thankyouverymuch (:

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