Thursday, September 2, 2010

#3 - A Little Too Harsh

 No offense intended in the post below.
   There's a saying. You get treated the way you treat people. At the beginning of the year, 37 treated you so nicely and yet you decided to took the other path. You made us pissed and at the same time hurt. The words you threw on 37 threatened us so much, especially the student leaders. Being a student leader for the 10 people in 37 is already sort of a disadvantage. What's more is you say nasty things that threatened us. I'm not trying to defame you or what. It's just that we can't get over with what you said.  You said : I'll make you suffer, suffer the consequences.  You seem to be always venting your anger on 37. Sometimes you treat us so well, sometimes you are so sarcastic. You always let your personal matters affect you in some sense I guess. What's worst is saying about not paying attention. Yes, I agree that we may not be paying attention at times but that's the normal human reaction. A normal human has an average of 12minutes of concentration. So you should understand, which you didn't do so. At least we put in effort, by highlighting the keywords that we don't understand which is our own little homework, yet you accuse us of doing something else. What is so sarcastic about you or something odd is that after class you told us that we were being good kids that we highlight vocabulary that we don't understand. I'm optimistic and thus I chose to treat the way that you are apologizing for wrongly accusing us. Even Miss Seah and Mrs lee came and asked us if we were highlighting vocabularies and we simply answered yes and both gave a smile. Can you please don't let your assumptions affect your mind? Something that I kept in my mind so long is the fact that you are being super sarcastic. Jingru has finished reading her magazines a lot of times and thus has nothing to do. Yet you kept using sarcastic questions to question her? Don't you know that this little actions can be annoying as well? You seem to can't get over the little things. All I want to say is that could you please stop all these? We can be a happy class afterall. I really hope that you would understand 37 and learn about how we feel. Yes, we may not really understand what you are thinking but at least we are trying.

Now, let's not talk about this anymore. Miss Lee was met with a mishap and currently lying in the ward. Hope she gets well soon and can come back to teach 37. I'm sure she is happy that we are all caring about her (: Get well soon Miss Lee, we will do our best in everything just to allow you to recover faster (:

  And yes. Last piece of news. I got 20/30 for my english. A huge boulder let off my shoulders. That's all I can say. Well at least, I didn't fail. Just to make sure that I'll work hard for exams and make sure that I can maintain.

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