Friday, September 3, 2010

#4 - Cats and Dogs

  Okay, I'm like blogging daily. Today is like the 3rd day. Well, today was fine. Just that I'm kind of lethargic in class. Forgive me for that, I've been waking up automatically at like 530am for no apparent reason. I mean seriously odd. I'm looking forward to after the EOY. Like freaking far away. I'll probably be on hiatus 2-3 weeks before exam, which is like after the holidays. I'm sure that I'll be mugging and mugging for the sake of maintaining my position. Just got back CA result sleep. So damn pissed. 4 A1s, 3 B3s. I just don't seem to get why my SS is a pathetic 67. And my first test was like MC. Thus, I need to score really high for my EOY to ensure that I get top for that subject. Seriously, my L1R5 nett is like 6. It's okay I know, but I'm still not satisfied. It sucks to see like 3Bs and all of them are like 1-4 marks away from A2. Freaking retarded can. Well, shall let it be a "setback" for me, cause as I say, Being demoralized is the best motivation. This will definitely motivate me to mug harder and score like mad. Going up to 80% for overall percentage (:

  Just watched Cat & Dogs: The revenge of the Kitty Galore.

Well, the movie was kind of boring at the starting. But after like 10 minutes, you can feel that the whole theater is shaking cause everyone was laughing like mad cats and dogs. I mean, seriously, the jokes are damn lame that they tickled our intellect and senses, causing us to express ourselves in laughter -.-  The better parts of the movies were the part with The cat (Carolina I guess)'s nieces and the little mouse of Kitty Galore. The ending was like okay afterall. Shall not elaborate too much. Wait till you get a peek at the movie yourself. Overall 7.5*/10* . Passed. Just that some parts were boring. HAHAHA! I've been like watching too much of movies this year. But who cares? I'm gonna catch more after the exams. Ciao.

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