Saturday, October 2, 2010

#12 - Hey Kids

  Hey everyone. I'm back again to post before the examinations, which is 4 days away only. I've done quite a bit of revision and I'm gonna start on Chinese later. I hope I can still remember what I memorized 3 weeks before to score for the examinations. It's kinda stress you know, with Miss Lee putting pressure. >< Alright, I'm here today to break a news. The scientist have found a new place that is sort of suitable for living. And it is ......... Gliese ( pronounced as Glee-za). It's actually not a planet but a red dwarf star which only takes 37 days to revolve around the Sun, which is like 1/10 of a year on Earth. How fast can that be! The temperatures there 0 degrees celcius to around 70 degree celcius if I'm not wrong. So, it's quite okay.

 An Image of Gliese (: See how close it is to Earth!

 Comparison of the sizes :D

Alright, just here to wish everyone all the best for their examinations and a Happy Belated Children's Day to every little kid out there (:

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