Tuesday, September 7, 2010

#7 - Rather Windy

  Hey people, I'm back to post today about yesterday's bbq (: One word - Fantastic. Thanks to YUHUI for organizing a class BBQ. Even though 20+ people turned up, however, there was great fun and laughter. I shall now lets the pictures do the talking!
 The weather was great and it was so windy. (:

 Another view of the beautiful sea. Simply peaceful.
 Kellson helping to start the fire.

Zhung Kiat takes over the starting of the fire.

Playing around while waiting for the charcoal to get heated up. The hole in the sand was dug by me using a flying disc while angela tries to squeeze in it. Wen wei and Alvan enjoy stepping on soft sand (:

The food getting prepared after the supplier delivered the food to us.

Zhungkiat made this using charcoal. (:

The process of BBQ-ing the food. The second one looks more yummy right? (:

Yuhui is a happy girl (:

Janice eating the bacon. So cute right?

Night fell and it drizzled. The rain got heavier, lucky we bought table cloths to keep ourselves dry.

The chicken wings BBQed by Jancie and Weikang. Look at the chio pink flame (:

 Playing with the glowing sticks. Me, Yuhui, Angela & Yokemun.

Playing with Benson's flower shaped glowing sticks.

 Look at Kellson's glowing sticks, they look so cool.

Alcan and Yanzhang playing with glowing sticks. Look like some gods like that. HAHA!

 The girls trying to form a pattern I think. Quite nice :D

Janice made a mickey mouse shaped hat. Like small kid!

 The bugs Bunnies? Extra large teeth.
Now, some shots of me with 27.

 Me and Max (:

 Me and Weikang. (:

 Me and Weiyuan. (:

 Me and Janice(:

Me and Yuhui, haha! The flash too bright, can't stand it.

Me and YokeMun (:

Playing with the sparkles.

Me, playing with the sparkles.

Major blast off!

Zhungkiat trying to make an ultra blast!

27'09 so happy with the sparkles!


Ending off with:

The girls. (:

The boys (:

Lastly, yeah, we had fun. But look at the last 2 photos. Why is Janice in both? :X

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