Wednesday, September 1, 2010

#2 - Champions

  Hello everyone. I've decided to blog for like the 4th time. This blog shall earn the title for the most number of days blogging I guess. Well, this few days have been quite okay since it's teachers' day holidays. Afterwhich, September holidays then after EOY. Wtf man. Like seriously? I don't like the feeling of mugging and memorizing even though my efforts usually pay off. There's like so many chapters to read. I shall start during the holidays. I must maintain my grades if not all my previous efforts will go down to a waste.

  Got back my results for this time's CA. It totally sucked. That's all I can say. I've been trying to fight back yet to no avail.

English - [test 1] 11/20 (55%) [test 2] __/30 (unknown) [ He'll take 1 year to mark]
Chinese - [test 1] 68/100 (68%) [test 2] 69/100 (69%)
E-maths - [test 1] 24/25 (96%) [test 2] 17/25 (68%)
A-maths - [test 1] 20/20 (100%) [test 2] 25/25 (100%)
Physics - [test 1] 28/32 (87.5%) [test 2] 25/30 (83.3%)
Chemistry - [test 1] 21/25 (84%) [test 2] 22/25 (88%) 
Combined Humanities - 8/12 (Damn faggot) + PW (unknown)

  My grades have slipped even though I studied all I could. All thanks to ___ for making me do so much of duties. I promise that I'll not give a shit about anymore of her nonsense and go ahead with my studies. I shall prove to her that despite her nonsense, my doggedness have and will pull me through. Seriously, I tired of all those YOG and whatever crapshit momento thing. Enough is enough.

Now, not talking about all those things that get on my nerves. Let's talk about 37. Yeah, life's great with 37. We'd accomplished 4/4 competitions, each time making Miss Lee proud. We shall fight all the way and win the last competition - volleyball match. 37'10 shall the best class in the Unity history. That's all. HAHA!

My motto of all time: Being demoralized is the best motivation.

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