Saturday, September 4, 2010

#5 - Japan

  Just woke up 2 hours ago. Damn it for like the 12345678910 times, I didn't hear my phone alarm -.- It's either I'm a heavy sleeper or I'm deaf while sleeping. I'm so dead today, so tired. Gonna slack till the afternoon before I officially starts mugging. Guess I'll finish the E-maths & A-maths papers first, then move on to do maths practices or maybe memorizing chemistry. Like seriously, the school doesn't even let us have rest. There's holiday but the thing is that even though it's a holiday, it is the time for us to self-study for EOY, cause there's like so little time before the EOY. I really hope I can do well, at least push up my humanities score cause I think the CA marks will pull me down by a lot. I'm like so jealous of Peiwen lo. She has like started on Biology, 3-4 chapters of Chemistry and I think the humanities. So irritating can. Exams is like 1 month away from now and yet all teachers except Maths, EL have not finished the chapters. There's like one and a half more chapters for Geography, maybe 1 chapter for Chinese, 1 and a quater of Chemistry, three-quater of Physics. Like wth.

  I'm looking forward to the time after the exams. If I get to go to Japan, that would be better. A time to let me relax and continue on my studies after returning. I shall not talk about 'O' levels Chinese paper until after exam cause it will make me freak out even more. I've done badly for my oral and listening comprehension I guess. But whatever, I'll just try hard for paper 1 and 2, to prove myself worthy for the higher mother tongue paper next year.

Hope I can go to Japan (:

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