Saturday, September 25, 2010

#11 - Mooncakes

Hello people, I'm back again (: Just here to wish every reader a late Happy Mid-Autumn Festival even though not many of you would celebrate it. Well, me too. This year's celebrations wasn't fantastic, there ain't any parties or gathering. That's pretty boring. Well, at least I ate a slice of mooncake, but not my favourite. I prefer snowskin ones like those from swensen's(: Sad that today can't find time to go out with crazy clan to play candles ): Don't miss me, haha.

 Cute right this picture???? :DDDDD
 The different flavours (:

By the way, I've been sick since Thursday night till now. What I want to say is "Flu please say bye. If not I'll meet a new friend, Fever." Yeah, there's pretty lame I guess. Hope I'll be able to recover soon. Oh, I remembered something suddenly. I' representing our school to go for a geography competition at Singapore Poly. The prizes are quite attractive to some of you I guess. Top 5 groups, each person will get an I-pod Touch it. Lol! It's one day or should I say half a day before I fly to Japan, It will be on 22nd October 130-630pm. I'll be checking in @ the airport at 11pm. Wow, so probably need to rush home to have a quick dinner before flying over to Japan. What would be the best for me is to win the I-touch as well, so it's like a double happiness day? HAHA!

But I'm not sure if it's they are giving away the 8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb and so on. Hope it's not 8Gb one. Heehee ;D

  Oh ya, by the way, Student Leadership camp is coming. Looking forward to it cause it will be fun. No details of the camp shall be mentioned here. Just to tell you all that it will be exciting with people like me to run the camp (: Okay, Pamela as well. Don't be sure to feel lame because of her. HEEHEE :D

Alright, talk till here. Gotta continue my chemistry revision later. (:

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