Saturday, September 11, 2010

#8 - University

  Okay. Hey everyone. I'm back after MIA-ing for 4 days. I'm sure you all have been missing my posts. Alright I shall talk about what I've been doing for the past few days. One answer : Mugging -.- . Seriously, these few days were bored for me. Looking at the textbook and worksheets, staring at the questions hoping that they will give me some answers. I'm already a little sick of revising, since it's so time consuming. It's like 24 days before the start of exams. The only thing I worry about revising now is that I will forget what I've memorized days before. I'm done with E-maths, just waiting for Miss Lee to teach us  about the arcs chapter which seems so difficult. I'm done with my holiday homework long ago and yeah, it feels so good with something accomplished. I seriously hope that I can go Japan so as to relax myself for a week after a tiring period of mugging. It'll be cool there since the temperature would be most likely 13-23 degrees celcius. Seriously, mugging has no life, even the book is dead. Now that Harvard is no longer the top university, can't you see there's no meaning in studying? Studying is "good" for us because we are Singaporeans, certificates is the only thing that can give us a rice bowl. I promise, once I finish my education I shall find a great time to relax. (:

 Harvard's dinning room Chio TTM compared to our school canteen -.-
 Harvard's view. (:
 This University overtook Harvard in a survey. Cambridge (:
  Another beautiful view of Cambridge. How I wish I am studying there (:

  Well, now I'm really bored. How I wish I'm celebrating Hari Raya, enjoying myself. Btw, just a message to all muslims celebrating Hari Raya: Enjoy yourselves (:  I shall continue mugging tonight or tomorrow. Everyone out there, enjoy your last day of "holiday". Have funn!

Bye readers (:

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