Thursday, September 16, 2010

#9 - Crystallization

  Hello everyone. I'm back (: Firstly a great news to break to you all. I'm selected for the Japan Exchange trip. Yay-ness. (: It's like so cool, going with your friends to another country. I can't wait for exams to be over. However, there is a sad thing. Singapore National Crystal Growing Competition is coming. It would be 29th of Oct, one day after I arrive in Singapore. I'll be damn tired, along with Jennifer too. There so much to do for the competition. Poster, notebook, experiment, logbook etc. I'll be using so much time to complete them. The Teacher IC wants us to finish half of it before exams and the other half by 29th Oct. This is so annoying since we have to revise for exams too. Annoying TTM can? I shall do it with the others only after the exams, then I'll be flying over to Japan already (:

The crystals we grow look something like this.

  By the way, something happened hilariously in class today. Pamela placed her phone in her bag and couldn't find it. Then she was like asking the rest. I was just joking telling her maybe someone around her took it or what. Then she kept suspecting me. Then I was like giving the diao face. She was like, it's not funny, give it back to me, I'll get angry one.  Then she was like pestering me, while searching her bag. Suddenly, eh? She found her phone and everyone was laughing like hell. HAHAHA! Damn funny can, then for the rest of the physics lesson, I was like quoting from her in everything I said. Damn Malu can.

  Yeah, today's the official Survivor Nicaragua opening (: Happy TTM. I'll be catching them at 6pm later and 12pm tomorrow. It'll be damn exciting with the old and determined versus the young and attitude kids. I bet the game will be full of fun.

Alright, I'll post till here. More updates coming up (:

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