Wednesday, September 29, 2010

#11 - A Lesson Learnt

  I'm back (: Exam is just around the corner and I'm still here updating my blog. Heehee :D Alright, here to wish everyone all the best for their examinations which is one week away from today. I'm here today to show you guys something I learn from somebody. Anyone still remember who Silver Ang is? Yes, I learnt something from her. This is with regards to her post about healing of wounds. Well, recently, I've been mugging. It's boring to memorize all the thick notes. While revising, I found a blueblack on my leg and I started to rub on it as I memorize. As I memorize, I rub harder and harder without knowing that I was tearing away bits of my skin cell. Upon finishing my revision, I was shock to find a hole on my leg, bleeding. The next morning when I woke up, there was a stinging sensation. Luckily, my sister showed me the post by Silver Ang a few days ago, which allowed my wound to heal faster.
Warning:the pictures below may look gory.
 The hole.
Another view of the tiny Injury.

OMG???????!!!!! What to do?!

 First, you need antiseptic cream, which helps in the healing of your skin. I chose the Senkon brand of antiseptic cream.
 Next, a tiny plaster is what you need to cover up the wound to prevent the antisceptic cream from getting washed off when in contact with water.
Lastly, 2 pieces of tissue paper.

Now, the process of dressing of the wound. It's quick and easy (:

 First, begin by ensuring that the wound is dry before dressing. This also helps to remove and pus secreted by the wound. The first piece of tissue paper is used. Then, after the wound is clean and dry, spread the antiseptic cream over.

Squeeze around 2-3cm of the antiseptic cream onto the second piece of tissue.

 Apply it to the wound.
 This is how thick it would look like. It should be thick to ensure that your wound is moisturized, because your skin tends to dry up quickly to form scars to prevent bacteria infection.

Continue using the second piece of tissue and use it to spread the antiseptic cream around the wound.

 Use the piece of plaster to cover up the wound after spreading of antiseptic cream is done.
This is the end of the dressing. For more information, you can visit (:

  Now, it's time for me to reveal the penknife cut on my finger 2 months ago.
 This is the picture of the wound exposed after wrapped in the doctor's dressing for 3 days. Pretty deep cut. What a pity I didn't show you the flab of skin and flesh that was cut off :P
This is the result of applying healing cream for around 2-3 weeks, which allow the skin the grow back quickly to prevent scar formation. It ain't that obvious now. Afterall, this is the year I had the most number of injuries from cuts to bruises and sprains. At least something is gained from the pain - experience. Well, the picture below shows a comparison of my finger before and after healing. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

#11 - Mooncakes

Hello people, I'm back again (: Just here to wish every reader a late Happy Mid-Autumn Festival even though not many of you would celebrate it. Well, me too. This year's celebrations wasn't fantastic, there ain't any parties or gathering. That's pretty boring. Well, at least I ate a slice of mooncake, but not my favourite. I prefer snowskin ones like those from swensen's(: Sad that today can't find time to go out with crazy clan to play candles ): Don't miss me, haha.

 Cute right this picture???? :DDDDD
 The different flavours (:

By the way, I've been sick since Thursday night till now. What I want to say is "Flu please say bye. If not I'll meet a new friend, Fever." Yeah, there's pretty lame I guess. Hope I'll be able to recover soon. Oh, I remembered something suddenly. I' representing our school to go for a geography competition at Singapore Poly. The prizes are quite attractive to some of you I guess. Top 5 groups, each person will get an I-pod Touch it. Lol! It's one day or should I say half a day before I fly to Japan, It will be on 22nd October 130-630pm. I'll be checking in @ the airport at 11pm. Wow, so probably need to rush home to have a quick dinner before flying over to Japan. What would be the best for me is to win the I-touch as well, so it's like a double happiness day? HAHA!

But I'm not sure if it's they are giving away the 8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb and so on. Hope it's not 8Gb one. Heehee ;D

  Oh ya, by the way, Student Leadership camp is coming. Looking forward to it cause it will be fun. No details of the camp shall be mentioned here. Just to tell you all that it will be exciting with people like me to run the camp (: Okay, Pamela as well. Don't be sure to feel lame because of her. HEEHEE :D

Alright, talk till here. Gotta continue my chemistry revision later. (:

Friday, September 17, 2010

#10 - Bored of Boredom

  I'm back again today(: Finally get to release early from school after so long, since the teachers and staffs are going out to enjoy their lunch at Jurong Safra. How I wish I was invited. Btw, today's topic in maths was on prom night. Everyone was like talking about it right after Miss Lee brought up the topic. Shockingly, there are people in this world who don't know what is a prom night. o-o No individuals targeted. I wonder how and where our prom night would be next year. Everyone will most probably be wearing similar clothing and who knows if any two were wearing the same clothing. I also can't imagine some of them in formal clothes. Eg. small boys in suits or tomboys in dresses? HAHAHA!

 A suit? Nah, this is for kids :P
 Something like this look more decent. (:
Prom Dresses (: Prettttty?.

  Hmm. Today there's nothing much to talk about. Maybe a little about Japan trip. Yeah, we will be flying at 1am (: Happy TTM. There will be like so little people in the airport at that time and we can do what we want. But what's worst is that we will have to take to flight to Nagoya then take the bullet train to Osaka as our body would ache like mad. So sad that the Osaka flights are all fully booked. But, it's quite a good opportunity to take the bullet train. (:  Alright, shall post again. (:

BULLET TRAINS! Yeah I'm excited. Looks coool ^^.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

#9 - Crystallization

  Hello everyone. I'm back (: Firstly a great news to break to you all. I'm selected for the Japan Exchange trip. Yay-ness. (: It's like so cool, going with your friends to another country. I can't wait for exams to be over. However, there is a sad thing. Singapore National Crystal Growing Competition is coming. It would be 29th of Oct, one day after I arrive in Singapore. I'll be damn tired, along with Jennifer too. There so much to do for the competition. Poster, notebook, experiment, logbook etc. I'll be using so much time to complete them. The Teacher IC wants us to finish half of it before exams and the other half by 29th Oct. This is so annoying since we have to revise for exams too. Annoying TTM can? I shall do it with the others only after the exams, then I'll be flying over to Japan already (:

The crystals we grow look something like this.

  By the way, something happened hilariously in class today. Pamela placed her phone in her bag and couldn't find it. Then she was like asking the rest. I was just joking telling her maybe someone around her took it or what. Then she kept suspecting me. Then I was like giving the diao face. She was like, it's not funny, give it back to me, I'll get angry one.  Then she was like pestering me, while searching her bag. Suddenly, eh? She found her phone and everyone was laughing like hell. HAHAHA! Damn funny can, then for the rest of the physics lesson, I was like quoting from her in everything I said. Damn Malu can.

  Yeah, today's the official Survivor Nicaragua opening (: Happy TTM. I'll be catching them at 6pm later and 12pm tomorrow. It'll be damn exciting with the old and determined versus the young and attitude kids. I bet the game will be full of fun.

Alright, I'll post till here. More updates coming up (:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

#8 - University

  Okay. Hey everyone. I'm back after MIA-ing for 4 days. I'm sure you all have been missing my posts. Alright I shall talk about what I've been doing for the past few days. One answer : Mugging -.- . Seriously, these few days were bored for me. Looking at the textbook and worksheets, staring at the questions hoping that they will give me some answers. I'm already a little sick of revising, since it's so time consuming. It's like 24 days before the start of exams. The only thing I worry about revising now is that I will forget what I've memorized days before. I'm done with E-maths, just waiting for Miss Lee to teach us  about the arcs chapter which seems so difficult. I'm done with my holiday homework long ago and yeah, it feels so good with something accomplished. I seriously hope that I can go Japan so as to relax myself for a week after a tiring period of mugging. It'll be cool there since the temperature would be most likely 13-23 degrees celcius. Seriously, mugging has no life, even the book is dead. Now that Harvard is no longer the top university, can't you see there's no meaning in studying? Studying is "good" for us because we are Singaporeans, certificates is the only thing that can give us a rice bowl. I promise, once I finish my education I shall find a great time to relax. (:

 Harvard's dinning room Chio TTM compared to our school canteen -.-
 Harvard's view. (:
 This University overtook Harvard in a survey. Cambridge (:
  Another beautiful view of Cambridge. How I wish I am studying there (:

  Well, now I'm really bored. How I wish I'm celebrating Hari Raya, enjoying myself. Btw, just a message to all muslims celebrating Hari Raya: Enjoy yourselves (:  I shall continue mugging tonight or tomorrow. Everyone out there, enjoy your last day of "holiday". Have funn!

Bye readers (:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

#7 - Rather Windy

  Hey people, I'm back to post today about yesterday's bbq (: One word - Fantastic. Thanks to YUHUI for organizing a class BBQ. Even though 20+ people turned up, however, there was great fun and laughter. I shall now lets the pictures do the talking!
 The weather was great and it was so windy. (:

 Another view of the beautiful sea. Simply peaceful.
 Kellson helping to start the fire.

Zhung Kiat takes over the starting of the fire.

Playing around while waiting for the charcoal to get heated up. The hole in the sand was dug by me using a flying disc while angela tries to squeeze in it. Wen wei and Alvan enjoy stepping on soft sand (:

The food getting prepared after the supplier delivered the food to us.

Zhungkiat made this using charcoal. (:

The process of BBQ-ing the food. The second one looks more yummy right? (:

Yuhui is a happy girl (:

Janice eating the bacon. So cute right?

Night fell and it drizzled. The rain got heavier, lucky we bought table cloths to keep ourselves dry.

The chicken wings BBQed by Jancie and Weikang. Look at the chio pink flame (:

 Playing with the glowing sticks. Me, Yuhui, Angela & Yokemun.

Playing with Benson's flower shaped glowing sticks.

 Look at Kellson's glowing sticks, they look so cool.

Alcan and Yanzhang playing with glowing sticks. Look like some gods like that. HAHA!

 The girls trying to form a pattern I think. Quite nice :D

Janice made a mickey mouse shaped hat. Like small kid!

 The bugs Bunnies? Extra large teeth.
Now, some shots of me with 27.

 Me and Max (:

 Me and Weikang. (:

 Me and Weiyuan. (:

 Me and Janice(:

Me and Yuhui, haha! The flash too bright, can't stand it.

Me and YokeMun (:

Playing with the sparkles.

Me, playing with the sparkles.

Major blast off!

Zhungkiat trying to make an ultra blast!

27'09 so happy with the sparkles!


Ending off with:

The girls. (:

The boys (:

Lastly, yeah, we had fun. But look at the last 2 photos. Why is Janice in both? :X