Wednesday, December 21, 2011

#85 - SNSD & The Dangerous Boys

Hey peeps! A new variety show is here!
It's none other than SNSD & The Dangerous Boys!

Yes, this is a brand new variety show, where SNSD get to know delinquents, around 17-19 years old, and counsel them, changing them into good kids!
Can you imagine this? Getting counselled by SNSD and talking and playing with them face-to-face. How lucky those naughty kids could be? How I wish I was one of them. Okay no, I'm a good kid. It really makes me feel jealous, since I really love SNSD! I'm so envious right now~! 

Here's some pictures for the show.

Alright, so it's a very interesting show and it has started airing. So if you wanna watch, you can simply watch it via Youtube, or simply subscribe to taenacity. There will be English Subtitles for you to understand the show too! So please support it!


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