Thursday, December 8, 2011

#79 - Fantasy or Reality

I can't believe this, neither can you believe this too!
So where was I?
 I was in the press conference room at the airport. Sitting right beside idols simply feels so good. Who was I sitting really close or next to? It was BEAST! They were sitting right next to me. Awesome, since Cube Entertainment is my favourite! They were gonna stay for the next 2 days and they even understand my questions even though I spoke in English. Great, simply.

Gikwang was talking to me like a big brother although we were just an Idol talking to a fan. After the press conference, they went to wash up. Yoseob came out of the toilet first and greeted me, Annyeonghasaeyo with a bow. Shockingly, there weren't any fans around and the airport was rather empty. I greeted back surprisingly in korean along with a bow. Then I headed towards the water cooler and the rest of the members came out of the toilet. We greeted one another and Junhyung talked to me as if I knew him. Doojoon dragged me by the neck to the bench and wanted to take a picture with me. It was damn cool cause an idol is taking a picture with you!

Then after bidding them goodbye, Girls' Generation came out of the toilet too. There they were, Taeyeon, Sunny, yoona and Seohyun. Yoona waved to me and her hand touched my arm. It felt so good! Then they asked me where is the gate for their flight and I tried to help and direct them to where they were suppose to go. Seohyun kept repeating the information of their flight cause they were afraid that they'd be late.
After directing them to their gate, I was mad happy!

Well, don't you think I'm so lucky?! Meeting the idols is already a very fortunate and what's better is you get to take pictures and talk to them, with them initiating it. Well, I thought I'm the most fortunate person ever on Earth.

And guess what?? (:
 I woke up -.-

That's all, bye-yeom!

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