Wednesday, December 21, 2011

#84 - An Early Christmas

I didn't break my promise. Thanks for trusting me too ^.^
Yes, I'm back with the photos for the Christmas Lunch over at Park Royal Hotel, located along Beach Road. 
So as usual, I'm gonna just give some reviews about the food right there, and sorry, I didn't really bother to take the pictures of the food one by one.

Let the journey begin!

(Sorry, but I'll only be evaluating majority of the food, not all)

Plaza Brasserie Buffet,
Park Royal Hotel Singapore.

Our table, for 20 people.
Even though only 17 of us turned up.

 The seating area, for each person.

The fresh cooked food area, prawns and mussels.
The prawns were very juicy and very fresh, yet the mussels tasted a little odd for me. It has a distinct sea and sandy flavour which I don't like. *Meh*
Prawns: 4 / 5
Mussels: 2 / 5

(Sorry for grading here, didn't take a picture of my plate)

The main courses, there're Hainanese Chicken Rice, Hainanese Chicken, KaiLan, Braised Meat/ Sea Cucumber (I guess), Soft shell crab too.

Dessert Area.

The salad sauces and dressings, but I didn't use any of them ><.

Salads! There's sea cucumber salad, egg salad, potato salad, thai spicy seafood salad and some more...


Bread and Buns for the butter and different kinds of Cheese. 

The French Loaf is superb!
It's really fragrant and tastes good!

Sushi! Didn't try it obviously since in a buffet, rice and any other flour-based food will make you full easily!

Soft Shell Crab! This is one of the nicest soft shell crab I've ever tasted. It's a dish that everyone favoured, and it runs out pretty fast. My cousins took nearly the whole tray of it for their first round. The cream along it's side for dipping taste delicious with the soft shell crab.


Next on, are some of the dishes tried.

The Chicken Rice taste like any other normal chicken rice that you can find in hawker centres or food courts. If you want better chicken rice, you can try it at the hawker centre at Jurong East. The Soft Shell Crab is mad nice, and I'll definitely recommend it to everyone!

Chicken Rice: 2.5 / 5
Soft Shell Crab: 4.5 / 5

The Cheese board looks rather appealing yet some of the cheese tasted a little too bitter, but the rest are fine. The french loaf is a must try!

Cheese Board: 3 / 5
French Loaf: 4 / 5

The different types of salad and some dimsum along with some western pastries I guess. 
In clockwise direction starting from 12'o clock, there's the Thai Seafood Salad, some fried dough which taste sweet, the egg and cucumber on a bread, a dumpling, a potato salad and lastly the egg salad. 

Thai Seafood Salad: It taste spicy and sour, which is alright, yet it's rather dry. 
Fried food: It taste sweet and a little like wedges though.
Egg and cucumber on a toast: I didn't try this but my sister said that it was nice, so well. Leave it up to you to decide.
Dumpling: It's stuffed to the brim, with lots of different diced meat and vegetables inside. The flavour is acceptable, just that it's a little sticky.
Potato Salad: It has a refreshing taste and it opens up your appetite as it is coupled with perhaps some capsicum or tomatoes.
Egg Salad: Didn't try this too, but my sister said that there's more of other contents in the salad than the egg.

Thai Seafood Salad: 2.5 / 5
Fried food: 3 / 5
Egg & Cucumber on a Toast: 4 / 5
Dumpling: 3 / 5
Potato Salad: 4 / 5
Egg Salad: 2.5 /5

The hotplates, Oyster omelette and Prata! This is just one flavour of the prata, there's many more. Eg. Durian, chocoate, ham, plain, banana flavoured ones. Taste pretty good. The Oyster Omelette was rather sticky and there's too much cornstarch in it. If you want better ones, I recommend you take a trip to Habourfront and try the one at the bus interchange. It taste better.

Oyster Omelette: 2.5 / 5

Went on to try the meat, turkey and more. Well, the turkey was rather dry and tasted better when dipped into the cranberry sauce. Based on my opinion, I would recommend that you don't try the cranberry sauce itself. It has a herb taste that is rather strange for me, tasted a little like Strepsils original flavour. The piece of ham at the bottom was rather a bad experience for me. I had to hold my breath while I eat it. It tasted totally like pork intestine soup and afterwards, your whole mouth will be filled with a porky taste. Mehhh!

Turkey: 3 / 5
Ham (Pink): 3.5 / 5
Ham (Grey): 1 / 5

The Salad, not mine. My uncle's, just snapped a photo of it.

The Salmon Sashimi and the Sushis. I think it tasted good, that my cousins took more servings of it.

The PRATAS!  Banana Prata, Chocolate Prata and Ham Prata. The Chocolate ones are those with rainbow rice scattered on top. Must be eaten hot so that the chocolate will run in your mouth. Not bad! I preferred the banana one though, cause it had an essence that will stay in your mouth and it is not very oily. The ham one tasted ordinary. The durian prata is really good from what I heard, but didn't get a chance to eat it since it always finish before I could take.

Banana Prata: 4 / 5
Chocolate Prata: 3.5 / 5
Ham Prata: 3 / 5
Durian Prata: 4.5 / 5

The bread and biscuits again. The biscuit stick is quite hard and the taste is weird. Other than that, the rounded biscuits and the french loaf are absolutely fine and tasty!

Fruits & waffles for the fondue. Not up to my expectations.

Fondue & Fruits: 2.5 / 5

 The Sharkfin Soup for Soup of the Day. Tasted like Sharkfin, yet there's hardly any sharkfin in it. I only chanced upon a few pieces, and they added ham into it. A bad choice to add ham. The soup was not bad, just that it lacks the chewy feel.

Brasied Sharkfin Soup: 3 / 5

Apple Crumble and Chocolate Mousse!

Dessert: 3.5 / 5

Shot with cousins, I promised, a clearer version!

*No Smile*
Which is better? When I smile or not? Please comment at the bottom of this entry! Thanks!

My 13 month old nephew, Aayden!

End of with a group shot. 11 cousins only ): 
Can't wait for CNY!

Alright, overall ratings coming right up!

Restaurant's overall scores

Ambience: 8.5 / 10
Food:  73 / 115
Service: 8.5 / 10
Restaurant: 90/ 135 [66.7%]
That's a B3!

(Sorry, I won't post the address, unless it's an A2/A1 grade!)
(But you can ask me if you want)

That's all, Bye-yeom! Sorry for the poor ratings!

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