Monday, December 19, 2011

#83 - Dear Diarrhoea

A few days since I've posted again, but sorry once again.
 I have been waking up late and going out till late night recently, to celebrate my sister's birthday as well as having an early Christmas Lunch with my fellow cousins. Plus, I'm coughing really badly now, with the cough accompanied by diarrhoea. Yeah, so I finally had a diarrhoea after 2 years? Time to shit all the things out, and be a brand new me. Okay, I'm being really lame here. Kinda not used to diarrhoea, and it's really a pain in the ass! (If you know what I mean)

So what have everyone been doing? o-o
I know my holidays kinda suck so I don't have anything much to say. Wanted to get a job yet realised that time is really running out, in 3-4 weeks time, I'm gonna get back my 'O's results.

*Prays Really Hard for GOOD Results*

 Then again, my Mum wants me to find a job still, yet she doesn't want me to do jobs that she don't like. Like totally? What's wrong with being waiters? At the very least, they are paid. I just want some money. I'm like seeing everybody else working and their pockets getting larger. And for me? It's only like 2-3 weeks and I've spent so much of my savings, amounting up to around $200++. Some day, I really need to find a job~!

So if there are any kind souls out there to offer me a well-paid job, I'm freeeeeeee~!!

Okay whatever, anyway I've promised to share about my Sister's birthday celebration plus the Christmas gathering. Yeah, I'll post the entry on them soon! (Since the photos aren't up yet)

So here's a sneak peek of the Christmas gathering and my first Christmas present for this year!


I look damn ugly in some of these sneak peek photos, cause the good ones are saved for the next post!
And yeah, these pictures are not the clear ones, a bit blur. Sorry :x

I promise better ones after these.

The two 95'ers.
I'm 4 days younger~

The males that went, so much of an age gap. Bottom three, 19,16,16.
Upper three: 2x, 4x,3x I think ><
I'm the youngest again, but for the sneak peeks only, cause my nephew came along too. 13months, win.

My first Christmas present this year! 

Alright, Bye-yeom!

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