Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#82 - A Rotten Fruit in a Bunch

A few days since I've posted a new entry. 2 or 3 days? I don't remember. Count it for yourself if you really want to know. I'm currently in no mood to do such calculation.

Seriously, some people these days, no since last year, annoy the hell out of me. I'm not going to point my fingers to you right now and spell out your names. I'm too afraid that there might just more than a group of people starting to hate you even more. Yes, it's definitely you. 

What you've said and posted, do you really think it's funny or are you just digging your own grave?
Asking for trouble really seems to be your forte. You may think I'm making a fool of myself right here, typing all these out, but who's the fool really, no one but you yourself.
Do you know that every single comment you make on my statuses irks me? You may not know, because your heart is all clogged up, if you're still oblivious of it.

When I shared the link to invite more visitors to perhaps spend some time looking at my blog, what rights do you have to speak such things?

"If people like your blog, they'll visit it again..." Something like this. Yeah, really? I bet my blog has more visitors than yours. Who are you to assume that I'm desperately asking or forcing people to visit my blog? It's only a link and they have the choice to click it or not. If you find it annoying, well why don't you block me? Apparently, you didn't, cause you're asking for trouble.

Then again, you commented this time. I shared my twitter link requesting any friends out there to follow me. Do you really understand me? Well, no. Apparently, your mischievous behaviour reflects who you are. My intention was to get to know more people, or rather spend some time talking to people who I might not know, but they may know me. Why are your thoughts so negative, constantly assuming that I'm despo for more followers? If I'm really this desperate, I would have committed acts like following someone and then unfollowing after a few days if the person doesn't follows me back. Well do I do that? Absolutely no, never will I. You don't know me, but here's something to share, I absolutely hate this kind of people. That's why I'll never commit such foolish actions, unlike that friend of yours. Perhaps you don't know because you are a victim apparently, and congratulations on that. You bully so many other people in the school, yet people are still not intimidated by you. The reason being, because you are too timid a bully. You are able to hurt others' feelings but not mine. Too bad for you, you pick the wrong person to mess with, doing this to me will just make me stronger. What irks me the most is when you annoy my friends around me, and perhaps, once again, you are oblivious of your actions, because your artery is clogged. Yes, please see a doctor soon. I think you should really take a good look at yourself in the mirror, being arrogant doesn't make you a better person, it is just a false image that you picture yourself, being superior. I guess there's something which my friend said, is very true. 'Only arrogant people can be his friends', with 'his' being someone else which I won't talk about, and you being the 'friends'.

You may think that I'm pathetically posting this entry hoping to gain the sympathy of others now, but no. You're wrong, people have confessed to me about how much they hated you and your character. Oh well, it's kinda late for you to realize. Even your good friend, 'his' already badmouthed you. So what can be done? Reflection. You should feel honoured right now, with me posting such a long entry about you, oh no, for you.
That's quite a lot of words, a few thousand if you would count. Thank you very much my dear blog, an area where I have my freedom of speech. 

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