Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#46 - A Current Ahead

Yes, I'm a easily satisfied person.


After purchasing my New clothes for the celebration two days away, I'm still not satisfied with what I've bought. I think it's not enough. I want to get a new pair of shoes preferably one that goes with my outfit. 

But, where time? Playing Hide-and-seek with me is what I can say.

By the way, I'm considering to get contacts as well. Since my eyes are utterly, small. The only word that I can think of. However thinking of that, I'm lazy to wear contacts as well. Heh. 

There's still ups and downs for the Earth's mood. I mean, there's rain poring and sun re-appearing randomly. It's nothing phenomenal yet it ain't mundane as well. Yeah, the reason being, the rainy season came late. I know it's boring to talk about all these, but seriously, if you're not gonna care, then who will?

Well, putting these aside, I realized how busy I'm gonna get soon. after CNY, tests will start queuing up waiting for me to attending to them. What's more, SYF is just two months away. Heh, we ain't gonna get a COP for this year. Well at least, I'm hoping for a bronze. That's at least presentable. Well, this year gonna be a tough year, viewing from the second month. I might be on hiatus, but be sure that I'll be back. Cheers.

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