Friday, January 28, 2011

#45 - The Dark Days.

 Yes, the weather has been playing around these days. The bright & hot sun appeared from the back of the clouds and the rain poured. Epic weather isn't it? Well, I was hoping for a rainbow. 

And, I didn't see any.

I was on the way home alone, in the public bus. Managed to snap a shot of the scene outside. It's quite a nice scenery, yet thinking of the weather, it's actually a sign of Mummy Earth trying to control her mood swings.

  Heavier water droplets started to slide themselves down the window. A portrait of polka dots formed. I took a reflection of it on the latch.

Wonderful isn't it?

  On the way home, I thought about events that happened that day. What brings me joy is Chemistry. Practical lessons every Wednesday, sitting through the lessons in the chemistry lab - Fantastic. At the very least you don't have to stone in class.

Glitter-filled test tube? Nah, a test tube full of golden crystals which is actually Iodide crystals. It shines so brightly and tempts you to take a quick shot of it without the teacher knowing. I thought I was rather guilty after breaking the school rules. Then it appeared to me that everyone was doing it. (:
I questioned myself these days with regards to the numerous tests pouring in one after another. Am I able to bring the best out of myself in school and during the national examinations at the same time? I don't know. This put me into a trance these days and forgive me for that. 

I glanced at the future and decided that I'll get myself ready for the next test in the line. Alright, cheers (:

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