Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#49 - Festive Season

CNY. Day 02.

Yeah, love this picture. I simply love the green patch of grass. The tickling feeling simply alleviates any aches in the feet.

Mahjong-ed through the boring second day of CNY. Yeah, I won after changing seat. Must be something to do with my luck, or what the traditional people would say : Fengshui  .___.

And of course, had fun with Coco. Just two days, she became something that will always make me direct my attention to. 

Yeah, count Red packets too. Hmm, became a money face person for one day.

And Lastly, 
(A picture of..)
Me (not). Hahahahaha!

So anyway, caught an enticing view from the, school. Hmm. The weather was mad wet and windy. Got soaked to the skin on the way home. Was expecting for a rainbow too, since the sun was still up.

Again, I didn't see any ._.

Not even a kind soul offered me an umbrella.
Well, cause I didn't asked for one. heh.

So let me show you the picture. You'll be shocked that our school has the capacity to provide beautiful views.

It wouldn't have been that nice if not for the palm trees. Alright, cheers.

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