Saturday, February 12, 2011

#51 - Weather Moodswings

The aberrant weather these days is getting on my nerves! One moment you feel the heat from the sun clinging onto your skin, the next, you are being soaked to the skin. 

Totally frustrated cause I ain't a person who likes to carry an umbrella out of the house. It's just so troublesome. 

If only someone invented an umbrella that will come to your aid. 
Yeah, if only. Easier said than done. Maybe I'm the first one to do that. According to Adam Khoo, you must believe! 

Haha, but actions still have to be taken and I'm lazy (: So let me accentuate that Global warming is still getting worse! 

And yeah, the screaming of the thunder is blasting on my ear drums and I kind of abhor that. Next time, I'll make sure that the windows in my house are sound-proof. I can't think properly when there's something blasting in my mind, distracting me from my thoughts. Grr.

Today is a Saturday by the way. Which means.... time to do homework .__.
 I'm yearning to hang out with my friends instead of being restricted within the four walls in my room, trying to tolerate this pathetic weather. Whatever now, I'm going to complete my homework and be like a no life freak, watching Tv programmes. Alright, cheers. Happy weekends, not.

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