Monday, February 7, 2011

#48 - A Family Gathering

Happy Chinese New Year!

Day 01.

 Yeah, an opportune weather for the first day. 
Finally freed from the pours.
Headed for the maternal side first (:

 So this was what my cousins were playing. Hmm, it looked fun and I felt interested & decided to learn.

But as expected, I didn't.


I don't know how to play and don't even want to know how to play. (: 
-End of story-

After lunch, headed back. (:

 Coco,a silky terrier! One word, cute.

She don't like to be restricted in a cage. Guess her expression explains it all. She's a super active bitch! (:

I meant, a female dog (:

Family plus Relatives gathering! The rest are standing outside (: Heh. Okay, I don't know what Tv programmes they are watching. Rest assure it's some boring dramas during CNY and not some pirated movies etc. There's so little shows to watch & they can barely fill up the number of fingers on one hand.

 Grandpa right here. Yeah, as you can see, there's some BBQ-ed food at the top left of the table. Had a BBQ on the first day of Chinese New Year. I know it's unprecedented.
Went around to take photos of people!

 My nephew, Rayden.

 His brother, Zenden. Three year old, yet smart.

 Coco peeping for any newcomers that are scared of her. Haha! 

 Zenden taking photos with my cousin. 

Me (:

Yeah, this year's New Year ain't fun at all. There wasn't really anything to do. Just monopoly deal-ed and Mahjong. Yup, more posts coming up. Cheers.

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