Sunday, February 27, 2011

#54 - Letting Go

In life there's many up & downs. I guess I've experienced it more than once. 
But surely, if you can get ahead with your downs, I respect that. I'm halfway there. As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm still okay. 

Yeah, so the picture above is something that makes me feel that I should let go of the past and get ahead in life. That's actually an inflatable flower attached to a drain stopper. It's so cool. 
Read it's description: How clever! Who doesn't want flowers in their bath. This one won't even stick to you when you get out. It is pink out of the water or in cold water and it turns purple when introduced in hot water!

I'm sure you all will agree with me unanimously with regards to letting go and get ahead, after you're "motivated" by the picture. 

There's nothing much for the week recently, and prolly the same for the one coming. Except, the Jogathon. Yeah, I'm totally unsure if I'm gonna run throughout the race or stroll along the path to capture the scenery. From my memories, for my first year, I walked throughout, ending up a few positions to the last. The second year, I ran and stop halfway because my friends didn't want to run. I got like the 40th position? For the third year, I ran and stop halfway again because I feel like enjoying the breeze instead of sweating. I got 35th position. So for this year, should I run? Currently situated in this dilemma and it's only five days to my Jogathon. Well well, I guess I'm gonna determine my answer by a coin. Heh, that's all. Cheers.

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