Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#50 - A friend In Need, A friend In Deed

CNY Day 03.

Actually, nothing much took place on the third day on CNY. Just that the usual 10 plus people gathered for a celebration. Including me (: Yay, it's really awesome to have class gatherings on CNY. You know. Yeah.

So these few days, I've been tied down by books! 

Oops, I meant facebook. 

Quite free these days, but not long after the tests gonna start pouring in. I seriously need to maintain my grades if not I'm gonna watch someone do some annoying actions. It's so obvious who it is, but no names shall be mentioned. Privacy shall still be privated after all. :D

Heh, actually it makes no sense. Haha.

Yeah, so today something happened. Someone took my A-maths textbook home. So it turned out like this.

A took B's book by accident. 

(Wait, I shall be A, sounds nicer .__.)
So B took C's book by accident. So C took my book cause his book is taken. So A has got no books to refer to for homework. Luckily, two wonder women saved my day, by sending me pictures of the A-maths questions. I'm so touched by the actions. This shows that I've good friends around me :DDD

And they are none other than.....

Yuhui & Pamela. 

(Okay, It's real small.) Peace. (Y)

Oh yeah, by the way, there has been people from other countries reading my blog. Then the statistics showed that they visited my blog to read about 

Ferrero Rocher. Hmph!

I was like err, since it's like a random comment in my post.

Yeah, lastly, to all readers. Please forgive me for the enormous-humongous-large-big-gigantic-huge- inserts another word- pictures in my blog. There's something just wrong about the codes and I seriously have no time to, entertain it. Cause I can't see them. Yes, this may be ridiculous but yeah, enjoy seeing my big big face if there's any. Alright, cheers :DDDD

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