Friday, February 18, 2011

#53 - Survive with Kids

Survivor Redemption Island is finally televised!

After some time, Survivor Redemption Island is out. 
Been eager to catch this season since the day the host talked about it. This season shall be the one in which most of my enthusiasm will be involved. I mean, this time round, the rules and the way the game is played has changed, so the game will definitely be AWESOME!

Yeah, forgive me for my caps. Currently in an euphoric state. 

For once. 

So, today my class headed to the kindergartens in the neighbourhood for some CIP ( Character Involvement Programme for those who are trying to figure out what CIP means .__.) The kids there are like five, six year old? 

Yet, they've got brains of a young adult. Their actions tell it all. Best of all, they can multi-task. The kid I'm reading the book to was like focusing on another storybook while I'm reading. So suddenly she shot me questions with regards to the book I'm reading to her. I was like what? Ain't she not paying attention? That took me aback, totally. 

Yeah, and she totally looked like someone from my class, who is none other than, Hui Li. They're like clones, just that they are of different height, and her name is Chloe. Sucha soft-spoken girl.  

We had fun and games session with the kids there and I guess what they really appreciate is the love from the older 'siblings' like us. They couldn't bear to leave us and were then elated when they heard that we are coming back the following week.

Then there was the class story book reading session. So who was the reader out of like 10 students?

 It's none other than,
me. (Gives a wide smile but don't mean it)

Yes, I love to read to young kids, but I'm not like those pre-eminent readers okay. 
I'm just like everyone.
 Just because I'm from UPonstage doesn't mean I'm the best. I'm not really angry about the fact that I was sabotaged to read, but the fact that people took UPonstage as something to use against me. For your information, UPonstage is totally a CCA not only for better English Language pronunciation and articulation, but it also teaches other skills like acting etc. So I really want to accentuate that UPonstage is not a CCA in which you get to perfect your English only and don't assume that I'm flaunting my skills in front of the kids with my whatsoever English. Okay people, I'm here to end my post. With the happy yet miserable, cheers.

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