Friday, October 8, 2010

#15 - Soft Spoken

  Heyhey, I'm blogging right now again :DDDD Alright, yesterday's chinese paper was okay. Hmm, nth much to comment. Today's ss paper is simply great. memorized 11 essays when I know which 2 are coming out. Can't afford to risk, too expensive. HAHAHA! Today I saw Norman scribbling very fast then I thought I'm slow. Guess what, I chiong the paper, then got 10 minutes to check :DDD  The sources are all boring actually, except for catoon one.
  Today the invigilator damn funny can. She speak so soft, only Jingyi, Shuwen & Yuhui were able to hear that she asked us to put on bags in front. Funny ttm cause only 3 people stood up. Then the whole class was like laughing cause Jovita was like asking her what she was saying. Then she flared up and went: What's so funny?! But, it's still quite soft.
  Shall rest until after lunch time then study geography. After that 7 go out with mummy to school for japan trip briefing :D Yay-ness.

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