Thursday, October 21, 2010

#20 - Anticipation

  YAY! I'm back (: Flying off in 31 hours. Very excited now (: Alright, the End-Year-Examinations' results are all out.

Chemistry Paper 1:
MCQ: 28/30

Chemistry Paper 2
Section A: 40/40
Section B: 26/30
Total: 66/70

Total: 94/100 A1 (: HAPPY TTM CAN (:

Additional Mathematics

Total: 75/100 A1 (: Happy too. It's rare for an A (:

 It's 5A1s, 1A2 & 1B3 this time. More than happy since I didn't studied that much as compared to Mid Year.

  Yay-ness, my luggage is done. Can't find anything to do, except the crystal growing competition thing ): Mdm Mok doesn't even help us with it and let us do it ourselves. ): It's so tiring for me. I've so many things to do. There's still competition tomorrow, Japan trip, camp planning etc. Where do I find time??? She wants us to finish the poster by tomorrow morning and it is promotion day. Can't she let us have a day or two to rest, or help us with it? I prefer if the teacher IC was Miss Chua/ Mr Boh/ Miss Keh. They will at least guide us along ): I'm just sick of everything. Just hoping to win tomorrow's Global Citizen Competition @ Singapore Polytechnic, and enjoy myself @ Japan. That's all I want. After I'm back, I'm going to chiong studies again, since there's  SYF next year. LOL! Alright, shall post till here and do the poster ):   
I hate the HAZE in Singapore. The PSI is like >80. ARGH! Hope it doesn't affect my flight.

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