Tuesday, October 19, 2010

#19 - Hopes and Dreams

  Hey people, I'm back to post. Feel so irritated by Exams' results. I don't know what is wrong with me. In O levels, it is the grade that counts and not the score that matter. I just can't get over with it, especially my SS marks, all thanks to (don'tknowwhichteacher). Screw it man, gave me a freaking thirties for ss paper out of fifty. I'm gonna demand for marks from Mrs Ram, hope she can give it to me. The reliability she taught us that we can use dates for reliability, then the (DKWT) go minus two marks and say it is not a good comparison. Like WTF???? Forget it. I shall pray hard for my Chemistry and A-maths paper tomorrow.

The following are my results so far, without editing.

English Paper 1
Situational Writing: 20/30
Free Writing 19/30
Total: 39/60  

English Paper 2
Comprehension: 16/25
Summary: 16/25
Total: 32/50 (:

English Paper 3
Oral: 30/40 (: Helped alot!

Total for English: 67 B3 :DDDDDDD

Chinese Paper 1
Situational Writing: 17/20
Free Writing: 48/70
Total: 65/90
Chinese Paper 2: 78/110

Total: 72 A2 :DDDDDDDD

Emaths Paper 1: 69/80 (careless 7-10 marks) ARGH!
Emaths Paper 2: 75/100 (Pulled me down by a lot)


Combined Humanities :'(
Geography: 47/50
Social Studies: 37/50 ( Screw you DKWT)

Total: 84 A1 :D/:(

Physics Paper 1
MCQ: 20/30 ( HAHAHAHA! Almost the whole class <21, only Jorrick 26)

Physics Paper 2
Section A: 58/60
Section B: 7/10
Total: 65/70

Total: 85 :DDDDDDD (Didn't expect to be next in line after Jorrick who got 90!)

Alright, irritated enough by SS already. 

Total grades collected  : 4As, 1B 

Hope Chemistry and Amaths can either bring 2As, or 1A and 1B (: Wish me luck. to all those friends out there who didn't do well, don't feel sad. You've tried your best. I'm sure you can even do better in the upcoming exams. Don't worry, we'll all score one day  (: All the best. Being demoralized shall be the best motivation.  

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