Wednesday, October 6, 2010

#14 - Crushed by Ruthless Studies

  Hello people. It's examination period and yet I'm here blogging. Alright just a quick post. Today's paper was okay, except for the vocabulary part. I sucked seriously. How I wish I memorized the dictionary since young. There were five words - Reliance, Devastation, Feasibly, Proliferation & touted. WOW? Fine. The number of words I know = 4. (Feasible never see before). Out of the 4 the I understand, number of words that I can substitute with another word confidently = 1 (Reliance = Dependence). Well, However, the passage was okay, quite straightforward. Now about paper 1. NEWSPAPER REPORT! Okay, I'm loving it cause there's no format. Think I did okay, just that free writing is a bit hard.

1. Public housing thing....
2. Foreign talent thing ....
3. Describe a finale of an inter-school competition
4. Write about an occasion when an unexpected visitor caused much trouble to your family |CHOSEN|
5. Addiction.

Well well, tell me what will you choose if you are taking this paper? Preeetttty hard isn't it? LOL! Alright, shall go study later @ 4+ for chinese & SS :DDDDDDDD

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