Friday, October 15, 2010

#17 - Secrets

  Hey people. I'm here to post again :D Just back from school, from SLC meeting :D It's kinda fun today, haha, especially the part where we were videoing Pamela & Haikal kena hit by Rugby ball. HAHAHAHAHA! Don't worry, I won't post the video up. Hahaha. Alright, I shall slack for today :D I'm super free after the exams, nothing to do at this time. I'm cooking my Kimchi noodles right now. Damn hungry can, only ate one lime-vanilla flavoured ice cream for lunch today. I shall go out for dinner tonight, if possible, go shop for things :D It has been like 123456789 months, since I last shopped for the things I want. Lol.

  Alright, shall end my post here. I'll eat my kimchi noodles :D Yay-ness.

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