Sunday, October 17, 2010

#18 - Necessary

  Hello, I'm posting again :DDDDD Alright, I shall post about some of the things bought today :D

 Compressing Bags :DDDDDD

 Johnson & Johnson's Milk lotion. They smell so nice :D It also nourishes your skin, make it smooth (:
Herbal Essences Hair Shampoo for traveling. Its smell is very refreshing. (:
Lastly, Silk Whitia Aloe Vera Plus Vitamin-E Moisturizing Lip Balm. Once again, love its smell :D

 Dettol's Antiseptic Cream. 99.9% Okay. No joke (:

Ultra-Carbon Pills, or what you call the Charcoal Pills. Taste extremely bad, yet very effective (: No pain, No gain.

 Hershey's Milky Chocolate Perals (: Very tasty, SUPER chewy and non-sticky! :DDDDDD

Look at the tasty Pearls (: Hungry??? There's also a paper to cover the chocolate pearls. So be careful when opening, you don't want to tear the paper huh.

Yeah, a book for scribbling in Japan and a little pen torchlight (: Look beside the word 'scribble' on the book, there's some scribbling. At first I thought someone scribbled on it, but after taking a closer look, it's just an illustration.

  Okay, I'm sooooo tired now. Gotta chiong my Camp things and Crystal growing competition stuff. Bye (:

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