Friday, January 27, 2012

#95 - Happy Chinese New Year

A Belated Happy Chinese New Year everyone ^^!

Today is currently  初六, the sixth day of Chinese New Year. 

I wonder if everyone enjoyed, or is enjoying their Chinese New Year. So, did you enjoy yourself well? I'm expecting a no, to be honest. Haha, as you know, the atmosphere gets less hyped up as the years go by. Nevertheless, this is a once in a year thing, so please spend your time wisely!
 Give yourself a good rest for Chinese New Year, eat well and play well too! Please also remember to take care of your health too! 
Although there are many delicious food, but you'll have to eat them in moderation. Don't take too much heaty food, or else you'll suffer the consequences. Hmm, okay a little too harsh, maybe like, or else your health will be put in risk? Okay whatever, I'm bad with words. Just remember to take care of your health! If not, you'll be like me, having a sore throat, headaches and poor digestive systems as a result of over-eating.
Yeah, remember to drink up to, I mean water. Take less sweet drinks or even carbonated drinks. I'm sure you don't want to be a victim of diabetes in your early teens!

So, how did I spend my Chinese New Year? 
Wait, or should I say how did I spend my Chinese New Year 's Eve first. 
Actually, there's nothing much to talk about for Chinese  New Year's Eve, except that I went to Jurong Point once again, for last minute shopping, to get my shoes!
Yes, I don't know why but I'm loving my shoes so much for this year, cause it's the type that I like. High-cut shoes. ^^
Finally got myself a pair of it. 
To be honest, I was actually yearning for a pair of Dr. Martens or Red Wings. Well, as you know, there's a budget for everything. If I get Dr. Martens, I'll have $1 left to spend, to stay within my Budget. Not even considering Red wings, since it cost $433. Seriously, why does all the shoes that I prefer looks nice, yet cost ugly? 

Yeah, and for those who are still wondering what I'm talking about, the shoes look something like these (:

Dr. Martens, awesome isn't it?

This is another collection of Dr.Martens, it's so nice once again!

And this, I'm loving it like mad. Who doesn't go crazy over Red Wings? This is the colour that I want!
I don't know why I suddenly like brown, but recently, I have a fascination over brown coloured stuff! Even my Chinese New Year clothes both contain brown, and my bermudas too! 

Oh, by the way, these are my two CNY shirts!

This is what I wore on the First Day!

And this, for the Second Day!

I know it's dull, but who cares. I just love wearing clothes of these colours!

Yeah, that's all for my CNY, not going to talk much about it. Every year is pretty much the same, since it's just going over to maternal side, and then back to paternal side to receive red packets! Happy as usual, money just enters your pockets like water~
This year is really a good year for me to gamble, and I won $20! Second time gambling for Blackjack and luck shone on me ^^
This year's CNY was rather an alcoholic one too!
We opened four bottles of five bottles of wine I think. 1 bottle of sake and 4 bottles of red wine! I think it was awesome, and I took 1 glass of sake and 3 glasses of red wine! First time in my life I drank so much, but I wasn't drunk at all! I wonder how much tolerance my body has, over alcohol. I hope it's as good as my fifth aunt, she's really a good drinker! She took a full glass for her first glass, can you imagine that.

For a female o-o (I'm not doubting the abilities of females, but seriously, females don't really take that much on their first glass, do they? No offense!)

Yeah, and by the way.... (Spoiler alert!)
the results for posting will be out this coming Monday!

I'm so looking forward to it!
I don't want school to start soon, I haven't had enough, and I've forgotten everything that I've learn. I really hope that they will give us some more time to rest, and have orientation starting on 6 February instead! 

Okay, shall stop here! (:

(Kind of abrupt though)


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