Friday, February 3, 2012

#96 - A Brand New Life

A brand new school, a brand new life. 
It's time for me to get ahead in life and start making new friends.

You must be wondering, what school was I posted to? 

National Junior College it is, my desired school. Just as I thought, I'm forever alone. The only student from USS, the lonely me. To be honest, I really dread going to school on Day One of Orientation. I don't like the feeling of adapting to a new environment and talking to strangers. I'm afraid that I can't cope in National Jc, since all of the students here are way smarter and better than me. I'll have to work twice as hard as them, even though we are all given the same 86,400s each day.

Today is day 4. 

So how was Day One like?

I feel so lucky, that HC is directly opposite of my school. If not, the journey to school will be so dull and boring as there wouldn't be anyone talking to me. Fortunately, Pam's going HC, so there's someone I can talk to. Got to school on the first day with her help, since I didn't even bother to find out how things work out at my school's area. Rather packed in 961, never will I want to take it again. The train is always a better option for now, unless there is a breakdown.


 Headed to school, and found no familiar faces. Okay, maybe just a few, like 3. 2 were from my primary school and 1 was my ex-tuition classmate. At least someone bothered to greet me with a hello! Pretty screwed and bored on the first day, since there were so many talks. My OG didn't have enough seats so I sat away from them, all alone by myself.

I was doing this the whole day.

 Feels better this way, since I face no awkwardness and no one will read my texts. 

(Yes, some people in my OG will look at me when I'm texting, gotta be safe.)

 I think I'm like one of those kids that's going to end up being blacklisted on the first day, since I was texting every minute, while everyone just paid attention to the speaker. Gosh, spare me, each human has an average of 12 minutes of concentration. Once the 12th minute passes, you'll feel really bored. You can try placing yourselves in my shoes, plus the fact that I didn't sleep well the day before due to the high level of anxiety.

My heart just keeps going 'Lub dub. Lub dub', faster and faster each time, right before I sleep. Tbh, I really felt like changing school or simply skip it on the first day, upon seeing my OGmates.

 (No offence, and yes, after 4 days, I've once again learnt the phrase - Do not judge a book by it's cover.)

Okay, something like that, but I'm not criticising, just doing a general scan through my OG. I really can't find a face to relate to, okay sorry, I'm bad with my words here.

OG 22, was my group and we belonged to a clan called THEIA. 
We are also known as Terra-rists I guess. 
What to say? The OGLS were pretty nice to us, and rather awesome

(I can't think of any other words, since this is the only word my OGL uses to describe herself.)

Day one was really boring, with talks and tour. I swear I almost wanted to leave the school and go enjoy myself in town. Thoughts away, we settled down to introduce ourselves. This is when awkward moments come in and you have to beg your memory not to fail you. The ladies in my OG looked pretty much the same, (On Day 1), so I had trouble recognising them. Whatever it is, I just don't feel right talking to people and yes, I'm really shy. *blushes* ^.^

(Forget my cuteness, it must have really been horrible. =__=)

Did some ice breakers and then there was lunch. Opened up to some of the people, yet still nothing much to talk about. It's either I'm being ignorant, or they just don't approach me because of their first impression of me.  First impressions are just so important, easily settled in 5s staring at a person. What was I viewed as? I really wanted to know.

I'm like the meanest person in my OGL as the days pass by, bullying my OGL, although I feel bad about it sometimes, but keeping it down. I'm really sorry, but I can't control my bad attitude. When it's released, it takes over me. I'm trying to change to be nicer each day, and to be less 'dao', (ignorant), to anyone. Yeah, and I failed to do so. I just got more annoying each day perhaps. I feel really bad about being unable to change myself. I was probably portrayed as the most 'Ah Beng' guy in my OG, and the one who probably knows the most vulgarities. Interesting, I've been keeping my cool.


 None was heard, I vowed not to spill any of them since the first day of this year. My School's reputation is really important I guess? I was trying too hard being myself , not wanting to talk to any strangers. Yet, I think people see me as a person who tries to be cool and not really willing to participate or mix around with anyone. 

(I'm over-thinking by the way.)

I guess my reaction was the biggest and most hurtful one during mass dance, when I rejected some female partners. I can't do it, it's really awkward and I've experienced it once. I'm sure that you know this phrase,  

Once bitten, twice shy.

Yeah, I'm super shy. Tbh, I'm really someone who goes by the physical appearance and that's why I'm too harsh sometimes I guess. Yet, if I know you well, character and personality gains priority over appearance.

To be partnering an OGL, good and bad. Hmm, I have changed my partner, from Rachel to Neriah. I'm comfortable with them, but I don't know why it get's awkward with Neriah, maybe because she is older and she talks more to me? I'm really afraid though. Whereas for Rachel, being of the same age seems to clear a barrier for communication. Sorry for saying  the above, but I'll do my best to perform well.  
After all, you guys are really nice people (:

I really can't recall of what to write, since I'm too exhausted after each day, running around like mad. H-2-O was one of those games where I ran the most. Why do all the girls target me, making me run an extra mile? Just exaggerating a little. Maybe just a few more metres than others.

Super tired, with aches everywhere. I really need to go swim some day, if not my low stamina won't be able to get me anywhere far. Station games, although we lost 10/12 games, nevertheless, it was a great time for everyone to bond. I felt a little pissed off with myself being a fool during the advertisement station though, what a retard I am. Thoughts of it just haunts me, not enough.

Yes, I know most of you will be complaining, why is this post so long and there's hardly any pictures. I'm really sorry, but I'll try to find some pictures to make this post more lively. I'll show the OG photo once I get it! 

So back to today. Day 4.

We had an OG gathering, a mini one over at Sogurt. Although it was just that small group of us, yet it was still great. At least we were able to bond and learn more about one another. I'm really sorry, and to most of you out there, my first impressions of you have changed for the better. Please learn to accept and tolerate my nonsense and I too! I'll be a better person to be with for now, I PROMISE. Today was really a short, yet interesting day. Thank you for sharing your time with me, and I didn't regret going. Look forward to more of such gathering among the same or rather more compatible group of us. Probably at Island Creamery, or even at other places. It would have been better if you all could stay till the night, well I just want to thank you guys for the fun, love, laughter and time. Thankyou (:

Alright, till here (: Toodles!

 (Why am I saying toodles? I'm really mad now!)

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