Monday, January 9, 2012

#91 - Finally, Anxiety gone.

Yes, I'm finally back after not updating for some time!
All thanks to the build up of my anxiety in my heart, really, heart thumping and sleepless nights.
All i can say is thank god, no more of it for at least the rest of this month.

To those who prayed for me, and those who wished me well, I love you all and thank you so much. The amount of gratitude towards you guys can't even be described with words. If really there's something I need to say, it's really a Thank you.

4 years of pain and misery, 4 years of hard work. How has my results come to a conclusion? Well, I could say that you really reap what you sow. You will always deserve something at the end of the day, which earns you a good pat on your back. I've proven myself capable, so all of you out there, so should you. 'O' levels can be really a scary thing, but if you're willing to work hard, why not give it a try and challenge it well? No matter how badly you do or how well you do, it's an experience in your life that you will carry throughout your lifetime. What more do I want now? I'm really satisfied with my results, and I want no more. 

I'm really proud of my clique mates. The 15 of us, no matter how far we are going apart, separate ways it is, we'll always stay in contact. It's probably how we are related in that sense, that allowed us to do so well. I'm really proud of you guys. 
Not in any order,

All of us worked really hard and improved so many grades, or maintained! I'm glad we all scored <15 for L1R5, and that we are all eligible for Junior Colleges. Let's really meet up some time to catch up with one another.

Though my heart really goes for Anderson Junior College, but I really want to enter my desired school, National Junior College. Sorry that I'll have to be away from most of you, but after all, I believe that the friendship will still stay connected. I've really wanted to enter Njc, and I thank you all for guiding and helping me along the way. Although in the future, I may be alone fighting the war, but 'll always remember all of you, who once gave me strength and courage to move on. Especially those who motivated me to continue to study hard after 3 years of hard work, with just 1 year left. Spending time with you guys, I have no regrets. to know that all of you could enter good schools of your desire, I'm really please. May we all do well in the future, and I look forward to seeing you guys again. (:

Thanks (:

By the way, to those out there who didn't meet your expectations or didn't perform well, please do not give up. When there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure that you've put in your utmost effort and I want you guys to pick yourself up. Whatever the result is, you've to accept it. It's never the end of the world. You may think that I'm saying this because I met my expectations, but no. You should keep your heads high, because at least you've tried. At least you accepted the challenge and didn't back out from 'O' levels. You'll definitely do well in the future and you will realise that there's something more out there which you can do well and definitely will! I have faith in all of you! Keep your heads high, it's not how hard you are hit, but how hard you are hit and keep moving forward. All the best! My blessed wishings to you (:

And for those who wants to know how I've performed, scroll down!

Haha! Nope, I'm not going to tell! Sorry for the suspense, cause I don't think that I should really do that. As long as I'm proud of what I've achieved and my friends' achievements, I'm really glad. There's no need to brag more about it. Let's not be complacent and continue to work hard! Hard work is indeed my key to success, thanks all once again.

p/s, but if you are really desperate to know my scores, just text me or mention me on twitter, I'll message you!

Love you all (:

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