Sunday, January 15, 2012

#92 - Happy Birthday, Grandma.

Back after a week, perhaps.
Gosh, I'm starting to update less and less, and in time to come, I may not even update. My Junior College life is gonna start infiltrating, and things will never be as easy as before. I really wish that time could stop right now, at this moment, when I'm enjoying my holidays. 15 days left to the release of my posting results. Even though there's a high chance I'll be posted to my desired school, but the thought of it actually scared me, a lot.

Bitter sweet I guess.
 To have finally accomplished a huge goal, yet you have to sacrifice. 
No friends, a new environment, different people with diverse backgrounds, everything starts again. 
The second, no, third time I feeling this way. 
What can I say? I'll try my best
. The mates in secondary school gonna be going their way, same ways, but different from mine. I'll be in a different school and I really hate the process of making new friends. You see, it's not easy to find someone who truly understands you and is willing to take up the same path as you. I guess my life is really unique, in the bad way.
 Why can't I be like others, or become a trainee at such a young age, and then form a band and perform instead? Life would be better since the band mates or group members are going to be with you for at least, the next 10 years. You may think that being with the same people for that long a period of time is sickening. To me, yes and no. Do you like risking your old friendship for new ones? Not for me, I still prefer my old friends. Making new friends is risky, because you'll never know if they will ever use you, or give you a good stab in your back while supporting you. That's called blind-sight backstabbing. By the time you realise, congrats, you've just found a new environment, heaven.

Whatever it is, I love half of my life. 

By the way, today's Granny's birthday (:

Happy 82nd Birthday Grandma!

I wish that you will stay happy and healthy, in view of the years ahead. (: Thank you for taking care of me for the past 16 years of my life. 

Long live (:

Bye, yeom.

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