Monday, January 16, 2012

#93 - A Day Well Spent

It has been two years. Yes, two years since we have known each other.
Friendship, something that keeps us well connected. 
Indeed, I really appreciate this day, and I look forward to another such day. Perhaps, yes perhaps, we may meet again. I do wish so, because there will be a huge void in my mind, without you guys.

Well, had an awesome day, well spend with two of my closer friends, none other than Shireen & Yuhui. Two years of friendship between the 3 of us, yet well maintained. I really thank the both of you for working together with me throughout my student council life in Middle School. Although we may have quarrelled at times, rarely though, but after all, it's the friendship that is deeply instilled in us, that made us forgive and forget. This day, 16 Jan, although it's sort of a first outing, but I'll definitely remember it. A day well spent indeed, at Seoul Garden.

All the fun and laughter today, much appreciated. We share so much in common, and see each other growing up into a better person, motivating each other along the way. Thank you for placing trust in me, and I'll never end this friendship, unless any of you choose to do so. I really appreciate whatever we have been through, even though times were tough, 86,400s we shared, it was really well spent. We've shown our capability, our ability to stand up for ourselves and not let others take advantage of. We've grown so much under the guidance of Miss Chua. Really, I treasure every piece of memory.

Today at Seoul Garden, was indeed my happiest day with the two of you. Eating so much and going crazy, spamming brownies with ice-cream, I'll definitely miss them once we go separate ways in the future. Really wish that we could continue to meet up, and finally have a hangout at decoders, where we got bonded more. 10 years down the road, I foresee that both of you will become successful women in the world. The trust placed in both of you, please keep it well. As the days go by, and we meet less, at least remember our faces and names well. Someday, we will definitely meet up even if we lose contact, because I believe that fate will always provide opportunity for us to meet up. If not, why are we such good friends now? So really, please stay in contact, and thank you for today! (:

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