Thursday, November 10, 2011

#67 - One Last Battle

Three papers down! One last battle, one last paper.
Chemistry Paper One.

Dear Chemistry Paper One, I know that you don't like me because I like to scribble on you. But, please show some mercy by allowing me to do well, so that I'd able to ace you and get more A1s.  
-Lots of Love, Chemistry Love

Okay whatever, just hope time quickly flies. Can't wait to escape to town to get some chinos and shirt. Hope the outlets will not be only selling winter clothes. Please, will there be any non seasonal clothes? We're living in Singapore dude, not everyone will come to your shop to but winter clothes for overseas. So please sell some summer clothes ^.^

Actually, it's kinda boring to be staying at home without any papers. I can't think of anything to do other than going out. Seriously, facebook? Twitter? tsktsk..
Can't even let me spend away my time, plus the TAR show is every Monday, Survivor is on every Thursday. Now what? I still have to deal with the other five days of the week. 

Oh yeah, I'm damn pleased with my mother tongue paper yesterday. Manage to salvage like 16m for Cloze passage. I meant like, for the first time I'm scoring > 10 in an examination paper. I swear, I happen passed once since this year. The standard for O's is actually way lower than our school's standard.

Gonna eat some food now, bye!

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