Friday, November 18, 2011

#71 - Sleepless Outing

Back from BBQ/ Chalet!
Posting so early at this hour, 5am cause I can't sleep
Was so tired from chalet that I slept from 1pm to 2am.

Sorry, but there are no pictures. So we met up before heading to BBQ. Damn it, my new shirt got stained by the sambal chilli from the Stingray, and it's still on my shirt, despite using bleach. Luckily, the stain is faint, so I'm not that mad. But seriously, a shirt that is three day old only -.-!

After BBQ, we stayed in the chalet. Since there ain't any space for sleeping, Daren, Andrew, Hakim and I headed out to slack. Can't find places to slack so in the end we went to play monopoly deal at the coffeeshop. Haha, really fun since Andrew kept losing and only won by default.
 Then we headed back to eat cup noodles at a BBQ pit while we continued our game of monopoly deal. 

6am, we headed back to chalet. Didn't sleep, just sat at a corner using a towel to hug myself since it was super cold. 7am, woke kenneth up for his work, while the rest were sleeping. 8am most were up. 9am, TV time. 10am we checked out, and something scared me. I thought I forgotten to take my home keys from chalet. Luckily Pamela found it. Phew! 

11am and we went on the train. Keep dozing off cause I was too tired, while the girls headed to town, seriously, aren't they tired?

Yeah, next blog post shall be about SLC? Bye!

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