Tuesday, November 15, 2011

#68 - Emancipation

The 'O's are officially over for me since yesterday, 9am. Feels kind great to be living with a carefree life since yesterday. Well it was rather tiring since I slept at 3am yesterday and woke up at 6am. Nevertheless, my hard work paid off. 38/40 for my last paper. Thank god for the help and my efforts didn't went futile. It was a rather good end.

(I promised myself that I'm gonna start it good and end it well...)

Oh well, although I felt damn tired yesterday, but I still didn't hit the sack straight away. Went to town with people who were looking for prom night stuffs.
(I know you gonna ask me why I went even though I said I'm not attending prom)

Well, I promised (once again) to give myself a good break after my national exams and obviously, I'd been yearning to head to town.

(Makes me feel like a dull person cause I'm living in the west)
Okay no, I'm not living in the country side. Haha, I'm living in Singapore! Everywhere is the same. Alright, stop talking nonsense.

Well, I spent a bomb yesterday even though it was only for two piece of clothings. I got a western denim jacket which is marked @ S$79 and a round neck tee @ S$39.
(Well, luckily the full price didn't came from me...)

It was rather tiring to walk so for so long, from FarEast Plaza to Ion and to Somerset and then to Ion and then to FarEast and then back to Ion. Cause you know, girls can't make up their minds quickly unlike us boys. They spent a long time selecting shoes, dress, accessories etc... Nevertheless, it was quite enjoyable despite the aches due to long hours of walking and standing. Haha! I'm kinda sad yesterday that I didn't purchase a pair of Chinos cause my size either went out of stock or the shop where there's my size is having a winter sale. I mean seriously, why would so many shops wanna sell winter clothing in Singapore? Hello, we are experiencing the tropical equatorial climate, so there will be no changes in the seasons! -.-
Even though there are people going overseas, but please think for those who may not be going overseas.

Throw that to the back of my mind, kinda regretful. Whatever, since I have gotten that western denim jacket, I'm already pleased! Yeah, wedding dinner later. I'm heading to habourfront.


Yes wedding dinner. It feels so odd cause most of the wedding dinners I attended since young, I always fail to recognise who the groom/bride is, since it's always a far-relative wedding. Some times it becomes so far that I see my friends attend the wedding dinner too. It was like this: My grandfather's cousin's son is getting married and I met my friend at the ballroom, whose grandmother's sister's daughter is the bride. Can you imagine this? Totally absurd, how can this happen? Haha, maybe it's due to globalization, everyone's getting closer to one another. (Okay, lame!)

This time, the person getting married is my Grandmother's brother's son. Hmmm, not much of a relation since it's like super far relative, yet they are inviting our whole family plus all my relatives. See the similarities of  a chinese wedding? The guests mostly belongs to the parents, while the (bride/groom)'s  guests only make up a small proportion. I hope mine won't be like this the next time. I wanna have a grand wedding with most of my friends, because without them as my pillars of support since young, it would have never been possible for me to make it that war. Haha, but provided if I have enough money to do so! Alright, I shall stop here. Hopefully, my sister takes some pictures so that I can post some up here! Looking forward to the wedding dinner, and the upcoming dinner soon!

Love you all! Okay bye.

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