Wednesday, November 16, 2011

#70 - A Wedding Dinner

As promised, I'm here to share with you the photos for yesterday's wedding dinner!
May the photos start rolling~

(Overall ratings for the food will be right at the bottom, along with the restaurant's rating!)

The wedding gift, contains two dark chocolate! My favourite type of chocolate. There are different words printed on them. So far, we've discovered: Love, Cherish, Passion, Joy & more...

The napkin at my seat but I exchanged it for a white one, this one looked so gay.

The menu, typical dishes ):

The Lobster Cold dish. Was lukewarm, not like other restaurants where the Cold dish is literally 'Cold". The  pieces of wrapped food, on the left of the picture taste okay. Then there's this IDK what animal's crispy skin. Didn't like it, the skin tasted so meaty, like pork. Then there's the lobster in the centre, it's okay yet the salad below spoiled it. Canned pineapples -.- Next to it is baby octopus, kinda okay, not too salty. Last but not least, the roasted meat, didn't eat any piece of it.

Overall 2.5 / 5

Sharkfin. No, not really. Filled with glass noodle, cuttle fish. Didn't like its taste, needed to add a lot of vinegar and pepper. It wasn't up to standard. Sharkfin these days getting worse, but can't blame them, the fishermen need to stop killing sharks. LOLLL.

Overall: 1.5 / 5

Now, the fish. The fish was rather fresh and the sauce is better than most of other restaurants. Maybe this restaurant is well known for fish? I really love the fish. For the first time, I like the fish placed on the dinning table. Previously, hadn't tasted nice fish placed on the wedding dinner's table before, not even the one at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.

Overall: 4 / 5

The scallops in XO sauce along with broccoli. What can I say, it tasted more like scallops in shrimp paste and the shrimp flavour irks me. Too disgusting, and the broccoli is boiled. I know it's healthier to be boiled for a short period of time cause less vitamin is lost, but I just prefer to eat soft broccoli ):

Overall: 2.5 / 5

This plate of roasted duck had fragrance, yet it was too salty. I was actually expecting Beijing Roasted Duck and not this. Oh well, nevermind. 

Overall: 3 / 5

Cereal Prawns! The cereal is damn nice, I believe they added milk and sugar to it so it taste so sweet! There wasn't any shell too! So it's good that you don't have to dirty your hands! However, the prawns used are frozen prawns, that's why the shell is already peeled -.-

Overall: 3 / 5

Abalone with mushrooms and vegetables. The vegetables tasted the best in this dish. It outshone the abalone. The abalone tasted like rubber to me and was rather tasteless. I thought it was abalone, MUSHROOM. -.-

Overall: 2.5 / 5
The noodles.Didn't like it, it was damn dry, I hated this dish the most!

Overall: 1 / 5

The Frog ovaries thing. Hated the red dates, so many of them. I didn't really touched this dish. Took a sip and wasted it :P

Overall: 1.5 / 5

I'm the tallest for yesterday ^.^

Restaurant's overall scores

Ambience: 7 / 10
Food: 21.5 / 45
Service: 7.5 / 10

Restaurant: 36 / 65 [55.4%]
That's a C5!

That's all, bye. Busy rushing graduation gifts and BBQ later. See you!

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