Saturday, November 19, 2011

#72 - Refreshed Memory

Feeling super restless right now, can't sleep. Shall post before I hit the sacks. Fatigue's not settling down in me I guess my biological clock is pretty much screwed up. Must fix it back real soon, if not I'm really turning into Owl Chua.

Alright, realy random now, but I suddenly remembered something funny
 Two years ago, one of my juniors asked me something.

Junior: Guoyao, are you from China?
Me: Erm no? Why ask?
Junior: Oh, cause your surname is Guo?
Me: I have a surname, but it's not Guo!
Junior: then?
Me: Chua is my surname. Btw, how did you arrive with a conclusion that I'm from China?
Junior: Oh, cause the your name on the paper is written as "Guoyao"
Me: -.- Oh, I lazy write surname that's why.

I'm not from CHINA! I'm from Singapore, with unique traits, the limited edition me. I don't have a flat nose, I don't have short eyelashes, I don't have black hair, I don't have black eyes, I don't have shovel-shaped teeth, but how the hell did I ended up as an Asian?

I remember when I was in Japan, someone asked, are you a Eurasian? Totally made my day, I would love to answer yes, but I said sorry, I'm not allowed to speak to strangers (:
But I'm not bragging or what, but I'm serious. I have dark brown hair, light brown eyes, non-shovel-shaped tooth, long eyelashes. So what makes me an Asian? I think it's my name and where I was born. Okay whatever, no offense to any Asians out there.

Okay, so I'm here just to post and see how much I've changed from the day I stepped into Secondary School, to now, stepping out of it.
I started out as a 17'08 student, standing at 144.5cm.
I was a member of the Student's Council and English Language Drama and debate Society.
I had no interest in studies and somehow managed to fight through to get some satisfying results.

Class: 4/41
Level: 15/199

Went on to 27'09, stood at 152.9cm.
Was promoted to Head of Discipline of Lower Secondary, Student Council.I became heavily involved in many affairs, ranging from Teachers' day to Student Activity Centre.
I was selected as a Young Gifted Scientist Programme Student and had my virgin try in participating in a competition. I was the leader of the Genetically Modified Advisory Committee (GMAC), and we clinched a champion for the competition. Efforts were actually from my mates, my participation was as if minimal.
Was selected to take part in a Chinese competition, fought hard for it with my lousy chinese, ended up it wasn't a competition. Everyone won? SYF was tiring and the results were as if efforts were futile. COP. Where is justice? Started to mature and realise the importance of my future. Worked hard to get good results so as to enter the better streams. Kpop madness started here. Yoona of SNSD was appreciated.

Class: 2/41
Level: 3/202

Double Weight-age
Class: 1/41
Level: 3/202

Promoted to secondary three. Life got harder, and I entered the Double Science class, taking up Chem/Phy along with SS/Geog. Grew to 168.5cm at the end of the year. 37'10 was a silent killer class. We were only bonded in competitions, clinching every champion title in the competitions we played in. Well, we are strong as one after all. Told myself I need to work hard so as to make my parents proud. Was promoted to Student Council President. Life got more stressful, yet managed to handle it with help of teachers of friends.
Had the chance to be part of the Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame (JYOF). Went on a humanities trip to Japan, my virgin trip there. Wonderful place it was, memories forever kept in my heart, like a puzzle piece. Things got complicated somehow, where people started to take advantage of me and my mates, but ended up we fight through it. Continued working my way through the academics despite stress, and definitely cannot feel complacent. Yoona continued to be queen.

Class: 1/41
Level: 3/203

Headed up to Sec four. Life was better, handling all the important tasks to my juniors. Now, I could handle my studies well, no. Syf'11 arrived and coach kept changing. Had two pathetic months of training and aches all over, trying to get all materials from all around Singapore. Travelled from Yewtee to beach road, to bugis, to get materials. Busy donating money to needy too. Hard work paid off, clinched a bronze. An effort after all. O levels and exams were such heavy burdens, nevertheless, I saw improvement. From a 60 in Amaths, I worked my ass off to clinch a 95. From an 81 in Emaths to a 97 right now. In sec four, you seem to have grown up a lot more, and can handle things better. K-pop fever come and go, and came at the wrong time to. Started to include Beast, 4 minute and Afterschool into my playlist and they are still playing right now. #Nowplaying Bang Yong Guk ft. Yang Yoseob - I remember.
Yeah, grew taller, to 174.7 cm. Still underweight, but luck, four years of gold for NAFPA.

Class: 1/41
Level: 1/200

This ain't important. 'O's came right after. What can I do now, really? To pray that I can get into my dream school, National Junior College. (:
 Love you all, bye!

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