Wednesday, November 30, 2011

#74 - MAMA2011SG

MAMA 2011 just ended last night! A 6-hours long show was as if it was over within seconds. I feel really great that this year's Mnet Asian Music Awards was held in Singapore!
MAMA'11 FTW~!!

Okay, so I started on my mission to see idols again. It feels really good to see them!
Woke up late on a Monday morning at 11:45 and headed down to Changi Airport straight, since (Yoona,Sunny & Hyoyeon)'s flight was arriving at 2pm. KE643 was the number to look out for. It was rather saddening not to see them at 2pm. The barricades there were put for show to scam the fangirls and fanboys only ): Luckily, I was with the S-ones and one of them saw Sunny heading towards Commercial Important Person (CIP) Terminal. All the S-ones started to dash out of Terminal 2 and ran across the carpark and reached the CIP terminal. 15 minutes later, heavy rain poured. Many fled, leaving approximately the 30 of us behind. We are the hardcore S-ones, standing in the rain no matter what. All of us shared umbrellas, while waiting patiently for SNSD to come out. 3:17pm, The girls finally came out, through the van. We screamed loudly cause we managed to see Yoona! She was shocked to see all of us drenched in rain, while waiting for her. She was nice and waved to us. 3:19pm, news arrived that the remaining 6, Taeyeon, Jessica,Yuri, Seohyun, Tiffany & Sooyoung arrived. We waited very long, and the rain got heavier. We were soaked to the skin. Many vans came out, but they were either empty or carrying the actors/actresses. S-ones all stayed together and chanted SoNyuhShiDae when ever a van comes out. It was only until close to 5pm where many of them left, that the 6 girls came out. Those on the other side could see Yuri, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sooyoung. While my side could only see Seohyun, nevertheless, she was like a goddess, pretty as usual. It was rather sad that no one saw Jessica, but we came to a conclusion. Jessica, Yuri and Seohyun were on the first van, while Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sooyoung were on the second.

I felt really great to see the girls, cause it's my virgin try and yet able to see them, and even better, we were 20cm apart.
Night fell and I headed to Marina Bay Sands, to see if I have any luck. I met up with Max, Alvan and Roth surprisingly. They were at MBS too! It was kinda sad for us cause we mad a wild goose chase while looking for Park Bom! We were always late, not super late, but just minutes late. The shopping mall was too big, by the time we found the shop, she has left. Well, we were kinda lucky after which. At around 10pm, Simon D came back to MBS and it feels so good because he brushed pass my shoulders. Can you imagine an idol being so close to you? Really, my efforts paid off! Around 11pm, still no luck to see Boomie! Headed home to rest and was planning to meet Beast & Apink & Hyunah next morning. Sadly they arrived at and what's worst was, they exited through the public exit, and not CIP. I missed my chance to see them. Kinda sad, but oh well, at least I get to see SNSD! Haha, really happy now!

MAMA was great, and I hope it'll be held in Singapore once again since the idols love Singapore so much! Alright, Cheers! Bye-Yeom! ^.^

Sunday, November 27, 2011

#73 - Perhaps the Last

As promised, I'm back from my chalet!
27'09, the only class
that I'll never forget. So much of memories and I'm missing chalet right now. Hopefully there will be another outing upcoming but I guess it would be long before one. Everyone would be busy after we go to different schools.

So here's the photos!

On the way to Pasir Ris!

What a moment, just nice! The bubble appeared above their heads.

Reached there and were waiting for the bus to arrive. We occupied the whole queueing area ^.^

In the bus..

Walking into the chalet. What a long way man, it's right at the end plus it is so deep inside.

Funny how we had front doors but chose to display our shoes at the back door.

Our living room, plus dinning room. Not what I expected, the pictures online were much more enticing. Yeah, the floor was rather sandy and dusty too.

Luckily we had a professional cleaner to do the mopping! Just kidding!

Yeah, played mahjong while the others headed out to buythe items need for barbeque. So freaking cold cause it was raining while the temperature of the aircon was 16 degree celcius!

Yuhui heating up the noodles for dinner!

Starting the fire, as usual.

Getting the food ready!
(.I'm hungry now.)

Our food! Tasty!

No photos for second morning. We were basically sleeping. yeah, had spaghetti and mushroom soup for lunch at a dinning area nearby. The spaghetti was okay, but I picked the wrong choice. Should have chosen the seafood one, cause the chicken and mushroom one tasted weird. Nevertheless, the mushroom soup was good!!

It was so delicious that I had it the next morning and I'm craving for it now!

Second night, all playing card games, Big two, Monopoly Deal etc..

Didn't know that there are so many people in my class who didn't know how to play monopoly deal. Now they know! HAHA!

Had a surprise birthday celebration for Lynn, although we were 1 month and 25 days late :O ...

Her birthday cake!

Headed out at midnight to slack in the park. Had a climbing competition. Haha, crown twice for the fastest to reach the top!

Everyone obsessed with Tap Sonic that night! But I'm only a pro! I started out with Pro and can do better after half an hour, feel so good! Yeah, the song Neverland is really hard to ace!
Everyone got addicted, esp. Chuxuan! See, she's trying to prove to everyone she can complete Neverland Legend version.

Group photo for third day!

Waiting for the bus which has a waiting time of 20 minutes -.-

This is the last chalet of our four years. Really cherished it! Yeah, and I had my virgin sleep in chalet! a total of 6 hours for the three days!
That's all!

Wanted to talk about Sundown Festival 2011 which I attended yesterday, but too bad no pictures. was too tired from chalet that I was lazy to even bring the camera. Teen top was good! Haha, bye! Hope tomorrow can snap some pictures of the awesome idols arriving in Singapore for MAMA'11.
Beast & Hyunah, please be there!
Bye Yeom! ^.^

Saturday, November 19, 2011

#72 - Refreshed Memory

Feeling super restless right now, can't sleep. Shall post before I hit the sacks. Fatigue's not settling down in me I guess my biological clock is pretty much screwed up. Must fix it back real soon, if not I'm really turning into Owl Chua.

Alright, realy random now, but I suddenly remembered something funny
 Two years ago, one of my juniors asked me something.

Junior: Guoyao, are you from China?
Me: Erm no? Why ask?
Junior: Oh, cause your surname is Guo?
Me: I have a surname, but it's not Guo!
Junior: then?
Me: Chua is my surname. Btw, how did you arrive with a conclusion that I'm from China?
Junior: Oh, cause the your name on the paper is written as "Guoyao"
Me: -.- Oh, I lazy write surname that's why.

I'm not from CHINA! I'm from Singapore, with unique traits, the limited edition me. I don't have a flat nose, I don't have short eyelashes, I don't have black hair, I don't have black eyes, I don't have shovel-shaped teeth, but how the hell did I ended up as an Asian?

I remember when I was in Japan, someone asked, are you a Eurasian? Totally made my day, I would love to answer yes, but I said sorry, I'm not allowed to speak to strangers (:
But I'm not bragging or what, but I'm serious. I have dark brown hair, light brown eyes, non-shovel-shaped tooth, long eyelashes. So what makes me an Asian? I think it's my name and where I was born. Okay whatever, no offense to any Asians out there.

Okay, so I'm here just to post and see how much I've changed from the day I stepped into Secondary School, to now, stepping out of it.
I started out as a 17'08 student, standing at 144.5cm.
I was a member of the Student's Council and English Language Drama and debate Society.
I had no interest in studies and somehow managed to fight through to get some satisfying results.

Class: 4/41
Level: 15/199

Went on to 27'09, stood at 152.9cm.
Was promoted to Head of Discipline of Lower Secondary, Student Council.I became heavily involved in many affairs, ranging from Teachers' day to Student Activity Centre.
I was selected as a Young Gifted Scientist Programme Student and had my virgin try in participating in a competition. I was the leader of the Genetically Modified Advisory Committee (GMAC), and we clinched a champion for the competition. Efforts were actually from my mates, my participation was as if minimal.
Was selected to take part in a Chinese competition, fought hard for it with my lousy chinese, ended up it wasn't a competition. Everyone won? SYF was tiring and the results were as if efforts were futile. COP. Where is justice? Started to mature and realise the importance of my future. Worked hard to get good results so as to enter the better streams. Kpop madness started here. Yoona of SNSD was appreciated.

Class: 2/41
Level: 3/202

Double Weight-age
Class: 1/41
Level: 3/202

Promoted to secondary three. Life got harder, and I entered the Double Science class, taking up Chem/Phy along with SS/Geog. Grew to 168.5cm at the end of the year. 37'10 was a silent killer class. We were only bonded in competitions, clinching every champion title in the competitions we played in. Well, we are strong as one after all. Told myself I need to work hard so as to make my parents proud. Was promoted to Student Council President. Life got more stressful, yet managed to handle it with help of teachers of friends.
Had the chance to be part of the Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame (JYOF). Went on a humanities trip to Japan, my virgin trip there. Wonderful place it was, memories forever kept in my heart, like a puzzle piece. Things got complicated somehow, where people started to take advantage of me and my mates, but ended up we fight through it. Continued working my way through the academics despite stress, and definitely cannot feel complacent. Yoona continued to be queen.

Class: 1/41
Level: 3/203

Headed up to Sec four. Life was better, handling all the important tasks to my juniors. Now, I could handle my studies well, no. Syf'11 arrived and coach kept changing. Had two pathetic months of training and aches all over, trying to get all materials from all around Singapore. Travelled from Yewtee to beach road, to bugis, to get materials. Busy donating money to needy too. Hard work paid off, clinched a bronze. An effort after all. O levels and exams were such heavy burdens, nevertheless, I saw improvement. From a 60 in Amaths, I worked my ass off to clinch a 95. From an 81 in Emaths to a 97 right now. In sec four, you seem to have grown up a lot more, and can handle things better. K-pop fever come and go, and came at the wrong time to. Started to include Beast, 4 minute and Afterschool into my playlist and they are still playing right now. #Nowplaying Bang Yong Guk ft. Yang Yoseob - I remember.
Yeah, grew taller, to 174.7 cm. Still underweight, but luck, four years of gold for NAFPA.

Class: 1/41
Level: 1/200

This ain't important. 'O's came right after. What can I do now, really? To pray that I can get into my dream school, National Junior College. (:
 Love you all, bye!

Friday, November 18, 2011

#71 - Sleepless Outing

Back from BBQ/ Chalet!
Posting so early at this hour, 5am cause I can't sleep
Was so tired from chalet that I slept from 1pm to 2am.

Sorry, but there are no pictures. So we met up before heading to BBQ. Damn it, my new shirt got stained by the sambal chilli from the Stingray, and it's still on my shirt, despite using bleach. Luckily, the stain is faint, so I'm not that mad. But seriously, a shirt that is three day old only -.-!

After BBQ, we stayed in the chalet. Since there ain't any space for sleeping, Daren, Andrew, Hakim and I headed out to slack. Can't find places to slack so in the end we went to play monopoly deal at the coffeeshop. Haha, really fun since Andrew kept losing and only won by default.
 Then we headed back to eat cup noodles at a BBQ pit while we continued our game of monopoly deal. 

6am, we headed back to chalet. Didn't sleep, just sat at a corner using a towel to hug myself since it was super cold. 7am, woke kenneth up for his work, while the rest were sleeping. 8am most were up. 9am, TV time. 10am we checked out, and something scared me. I thought I forgotten to take my home keys from chalet. Luckily Pamela found it. Phew! 

11am and we went on the train. Keep dozing off cause I was too tired, while the girls headed to town, seriously, aren't they tired?

Yeah, next blog post shall be about SLC? Bye!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

#70 - A Wedding Dinner

As promised, I'm here to share with you the photos for yesterday's wedding dinner!
May the photos start rolling~

(Overall ratings for the food will be right at the bottom, along with the restaurant's rating!)

The wedding gift, contains two dark chocolate! My favourite type of chocolate. There are different words printed on them. So far, we've discovered: Love, Cherish, Passion, Joy & more...

The napkin at my seat but I exchanged it for a white one, this one looked so gay.

The menu, typical dishes ):

The Lobster Cold dish. Was lukewarm, not like other restaurants where the Cold dish is literally 'Cold". The  pieces of wrapped food, on the left of the picture taste okay. Then there's this IDK what animal's crispy skin. Didn't like it, the skin tasted so meaty, like pork. Then there's the lobster in the centre, it's okay yet the salad below spoiled it. Canned pineapples -.- Next to it is baby octopus, kinda okay, not too salty. Last but not least, the roasted meat, didn't eat any piece of it.

Overall 2.5 / 5

Sharkfin. No, not really. Filled with glass noodle, cuttle fish. Didn't like its taste, needed to add a lot of vinegar and pepper. It wasn't up to standard. Sharkfin these days getting worse, but can't blame them, the fishermen need to stop killing sharks. LOLLL.

Overall: 1.5 / 5

Now, the fish. The fish was rather fresh and the sauce is better than most of other restaurants. Maybe this restaurant is well known for fish? I really love the fish. For the first time, I like the fish placed on the dinning table. Previously, hadn't tasted nice fish placed on the wedding dinner's table before, not even the one at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.

Overall: 4 / 5

The scallops in XO sauce along with broccoli. What can I say, it tasted more like scallops in shrimp paste and the shrimp flavour irks me. Too disgusting, and the broccoli is boiled. I know it's healthier to be boiled for a short period of time cause less vitamin is lost, but I just prefer to eat soft broccoli ):

Overall: 2.5 / 5

This plate of roasted duck had fragrance, yet it was too salty. I was actually expecting Beijing Roasted Duck and not this. Oh well, nevermind. 

Overall: 3 / 5

Cereal Prawns! The cereal is damn nice, I believe they added milk and sugar to it so it taste so sweet! There wasn't any shell too! So it's good that you don't have to dirty your hands! However, the prawns used are frozen prawns, that's why the shell is already peeled -.-

Overall: 3 / 5

Abalone with mushrooms and vegetables. The vegetables tasted the best in this dish. It outshone the abalone. The abalone tasted like rubber to me and was rather tasteless. I thought it was abalone, MUSHROOM. -.-

Overall: 2.5 / 5
The noodles.Didn't like it, it was damn dry, I hated this dish the most!

Overall: 1 / 5

The Frog ovaries thing. Hated the red dates, so many of them. I didn't really touched this dish. Took a sip and wasted it :P

Overall: 1.5 / 5

I'm the tallest for yesterday ^.^

Restaurant's overall scores

Ambience: 7 / 10
Food: 21.5 / 45
Service: 7.5 / 10

Restaurant: 36 / 65 [55.4%]
That's a C5!

That's all, bye. Busy rushing graduation gifts and BBQ later. See you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

#69 - A Once in A While

I'm back from wedding dinner!
Woohoo, likka finally. Damn it, there was a jam on the way there. My father forgot that the road at Bukit Panjang under construction! -.- Okay whatever, we were there early though. Just to end here with a group photo. 9/20 cousins turned up only. We ended with a group shot. Photos of food and others will be up Asap. Sorry!
Really tired, need some rest.

#68 - Emancipation

The 'O's are officially over for me since yesterday, 9am. Feels kind great to be living with a carefree life since yesterday. Well it was rather tiring since I slept at 3am yesterday and woke up at 6am. Nevertheless, my hard work paid off. 38/40 for my last paper. Thank god for the help and my efforts didn't went futile. It was a rather good end.

(I promised myself that I'm gonna start it good and end it well...)

Oh well, although I felt damn tired yesterday, but I still didn't hit the sack straight away. Went to town with people who were looking for prom night stuffs.
(I know you gonna ask me why I went even though I said I'm not attending prom)

Well, I promised (once again) to give myself a good break after my national exams and obviously, I'd been yearning to head to town.

(Makes me feel like a dull person cause I'm living in the west)
Okay no, I'm not living in the country side. Haha, I'm living in Singapore! Everywhere is the same. Alright, stop talking nonsense.

Well, I spent a bomb yesterday even though it was only for two piece of clothings. I got a western denim jacket which is marked @ S$79 and a round neck tee @ S$39.
(Well, luckily the full price didn't came from me...)

It was rather tiring to walk so for so long, from FarEast Plaza to Ion and to Somerset and then to Ion and then to FarEast and then back to Ion. Cause you know, girls can't make up their minds quickly unlike us boys. They spent a long time selecting shoes, dress, accessories etc... Nevertheless, it was quite enjoyable despite the aches due to long hours of walking and standing. Haha! I'm kinda sad yesterday that I didn't purchase a pair of Chinos cause my size either went out of stock or the shop where there's my size is having a winter sale. I mean seriously, why would so many shops wanna sell winter clothing in Singapore? Hello, we are experiencing the tropical equatorial climate, so there will be no changes in the seasons! -.-
Even though there are people going overseas, but please think for those who may not be going overseas.

Throw that to the back of my mind, kinda regretful. Whatever, since I have gotten that western denim jacket, I'm already pleased! Yeah, wedding dinner later. I'm heading to habourfront.


Yes wedding dinner. It feels so odd cause most of the wedding dinners I attended since young, I always fail to recognise who the groom/bride is, since it's always a far-relative wedding. Some times it becomes so far that I see my friends attend the wedding dinner too. It was like this: My grandfather's cousin's son is getting married and I met my friend at the ballroom, whose grandmother's sister's daughter is the bride. Can you imagine this? Totally absurd, how can this happen? Haha, maybe it's due to globalization, everyone's getting closer to one another. (Okay, lame!)

This time, the person getting married is my Grandmother's brother's son. Hmmm, not much of a relation since it's like super far relative, yet they are inviting our whole family plus all my relatives. See the similarities of  a chinese wedding? The guests mostly belongs to the parents, while the (bride/groom)'s  guests only make up a small proportion. I hope mine won't be like this the next time. I wanna have a grand wedding with most of my friends, because without them as my pillars of support since young, it would have never been possible for me to make it that war. Haha, but provided if I have enough money to do so! Alright, I shall stop here. Hopefully, my sister takes some pictures so that I can post some up here! Looking forward to the wedding dinner, and the upcoming dinner soon!

Love you all! Okay bye.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

#67 - One Last Battle

Three papers down! One last battle, one last paper.
Chemistry Paper One.

Dear Chemistry Paper One, I know that you don't like me because I like to scribble on you. But, please show some mercy by allowing me to do well, so that I'd able to ace you and get more A1s.  
-Lots of Love, Chemistry Love

Okay whatever, just hope time quickly flies. Can't wait to escape to town to get some chinos and shirt. Hope the outlets will not be only selling winter clothes. Please, will there be any non seasonal clothes? We're living in Singapore dude, not everyone will come to your shop to but winter clothes for overseas. So please sell some summer clothes ^.^

Actually, it's kinda boring to be staying at home without any papers. I can't think of anything to do other than going out. Seriously, facebook? Twitter? tsktsk..
Can't even let me spend away my time, plus the TAR show is every Monday, Survivor is on every Thursday. Now what? I still have to deal with the other five days of the week. 

Oh yeah, I'm damn pleased with my mother tongue paper yesterday. Manage to salvage like 16m for Cloze passage. I meant like, for the first time I'm scoring > 10 in an examination paper. I swear, I happen passed once since this year. The standard for O's is actually way lower than our school's standard.

Gonna eat some food now, bye!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

#66 - A Fixed Puzzle

 Hey guys, I'm back once again! The Humanities papers are all over! Finally I can smell emancipation in the air! Three more subjects, four more papers to go! I can finally understand what joy is. I've never even experience a tinge of it since last year. All the studying. 

Information of Geography
(Deleting in process...)
 (Are you sure you want to delete?)
(*Spam clicks* YES!)
File deleted! Yay! I know this is kinda childish but finally, my mind is at ease and is able to take a rest after I've started this horrible nightmare of memorising things two years ago, earning my title of being the alive textbook. Well, I actually like it but at the same time loathe it. Sometimes it gets so annoying when people are over reliant on me or when my mind is too fixed to memorising that understanding becomes too much of a problem to handle. Never mind about that, now I shall focus on my Higher Mother Tongue Paper and Paper One for both sciences. I really hope that I'll be able to ace my higher Chinese like how I managed to do well for my Chinese for 'O's last year. A1, I need you badly. Can't afford to screw up my language papers given the fact that I know that the chances of me obtaining a distinction for English are very slim. Yeah, so I'm gonna work hard on that!

Not forgetting,

Yes, I apologise to anyone out there who might still be reading this blog since I happen been posting much pictures lately. I know this period my blog is absolutely dead, dull boring. Yes, I know. I'll try to work on that. Well rest assure. I'm going to shop in town right after my papers, and have a busy schedule ahead. So there will be pictures coming in.

 A hint on where I may be after my papers. If you wanna know the date or wanna tag along, text me or catch me on twitter @ChuaGY_CUBE!! (: Please follow me, I desperately need followers.

So these are my probable schedule:
Wedding Dinner
Universal Studios Singapore
Class 47 Barbeque Party
Class 27 Chalet
2011 Students Leaders' Camp
 (and the list goes on)

Yeah, these are the most probable confirmed ones, so do catch me in action. I'll be bringing in photos I promised, provided if my sister lends me her wonderful camera! Oh by the way, right after these activities, I think I need to get a job for myself. Need some eye opener and experience! I need some money desperately too. I think that the events above simply means that half of my savings for this semester will be spent away. I need some money to be deposited in my bank, if not I'm gonna be broke in the future. Haha, just kidding. Anyway, this year have been a long tiring journey. Wouldn't have made this far without the wonderful support of my classmates.

Okay, whatever. So many people out there who made an impact in my life. Really wanna thank this people. Shall list them all out, these people are the ones who's gonna get my letter of appreciation and I shall do up a post on it soon!

 people are.
.(Not in any order)

(Not sure if I'm able to pass to them..)
Mdm Aishah
Mrs Lee
Miss Lee
Mrs Chan
Mrs Ram
Mr Shanmugam
Mr Khor
Mrs Chiew
Mdm Rashidah
Mr Tan
Miss Chua
Mrs Chee

That's all I can think of right now. This means a lot of $$$ to be spent! Around 65, but money is not a matter, it's the thought that counts. Haha! Alright, shall post till here. Bye and cheers!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#65 - A Hope in Mind

Well, I'm back for once again, yet a short moment. The 'O's are really coming to an end soon. I've Social Studies Paper, Higher Mother Tongue Paper 1&2, Chemistry and Physics paper 1 left. That's pretty fast. All I could say is that the 'O's just brushed through my life as if the speed of lightning. Everything is over in a blink of an eye. The time passes so quickly for every single paper that I sat for, as well as the time I used to revise. 

Sigh, although I keep reminding myself constantly not to even bear a thought on the papers that I've taken,
there's just this past that keeps haunting me. I'm afraid that I won't do well for my Language, which in turns cost me my chance of entering a more prestigious school. At this juncture, I can only tell myself that I've given my best and I shall leave my results to fate. I really hope that my answers are correct and that my prayers are answered. I can only hold a maximum of 9 points, provided if I pass my Higher Mother Tongue, in order enter my dream school. Yet, the English paper simply just make me doubt my abilities of doing so since it was a killer paper. Yes, and I also resent myself for having careless mistakes in my Amaths paper, not just a couple but nearly 10marks worth of it. Well, I'm quite fortunate that Paper 1 can pull my overall marks up, but I'm afraid of the moderation. All I can pray for is that the benchmark for A1 for Emaths is really 93 or less, and for Amaths is 75-78. If not, my dreams will be shattered.

(.......*doubts myself*.......)

The Chemistry paper was rather fine yet you get the  -no-guarantee-correct- feeling- just like my norm. Yet, I've already lose 4-5m due to carelessness but I really hope that the deduction stops there and my results will not retrogress to anywhere too far below my prelim results. Well, to me, being the Valedictorian in the school based on school results doesn't make me a better person or one who is the cream of the crop. It just makes me feel that complacency shouldn't even cross my mind, since I learnt a painful lesson in my PSLE. Well, I really hope that this 'O's levels would br a redemption for me this time! And after the last paper, I shall celebrate like mad. I've been craving to go on a shopping spree to get my denim shirts and chinos that I've been yearning for since the start of the year, but having no time to purchase them. 

I'm rather looking forward to the end since I'm gonna have a busy schedule after that. A Barbeque, trip to USS (most prolly) and a chalet. Can't wait to seek emancipation after four years of hard work in this secondary school. Just need to pay extra attention to the last few papers and hope that I can achieve my desired results of straight As for the non-language papers and at least a B4 for both languages. Hope my prayers will be answered and hard work will not be futile!

Oh well, that was rather lengthy and boring, yet I just want to have a place to rant out these joy and frustrations. And now, with a less hazed mind, I believe that I'll  be able to work things out in detail. And yes, please remember to visit my blog often if you do take an effort to read such boring and lengthy posts!
