Sunday, February 27, 2011

#54 - Letting Go

In life there's many up & downs. I guess I've experienced it more than once. 
But surely, if you can get ahead with your downs, I respect that. I'm halfway there. As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm still okay. 

Yeah, so the picture above is something that makes me feel that I should let go of the past and get ahead in life. That's actually an inflatable flower attached to a drain stopper. It's so cool. 
Read it's description: How clever! Who doesn't want flowers in their bath. This one won't even stick to you when you get out. It is pink out of the water or in cold water and it turns purple when introduced in hot water!

I'm sure you all will agree with me unanimously with regards to letting go and get ahead, after you're "motivated" by the picture. 

There's nothing much for the week recently, and prolly the same for the one coming. Except, the Jogathon. Yeah, I'm totally unsure if I'm gonna run throughout the race or stroll along the path to capture the scenery. From my memories, for my first year, I walked throughout, ending up a few positions to the last. The second year, I ran and stop halfway because my friends didn't want to run. I got like the 40th position? For the third year, I ran and stop halfway again because I feel like enjoying the breeze instead of sweating. I got 35th position. So for this year, should I run? Currently situated in this dilemma and it's only five days to my Jogathon. Well well, I guess I'm gonna determine my answer by a coin. Heh, that's all. Cheers.

Friday, February 18, 2011

#53 - Survive with Kids

Survivor Redemption Island is finally televised!

After some time, Survivor Redemption Island is out. 
Been eager to catch this season since the day the host talked about it. This season shall be the one in which most of my enthusiasm will be involved. I mean, this time round, the rules and the way the game is played has changed, so the game will definitely be AWESOME!

Yeah, forgive me for my caps. Currently in an euphoric state. 

For once. 

So, today my class headed to the kindergartens in the neighbourhood for some CIP ( Character Involvement Programme for those who are trying to figure out what CIP means .__.) The kids there are like five, six year old? 

Yet, they've got brains of a young adult. Their actions tell it all. Best of all, they can multi-task. The kid I'm reading the book to was like focusing on another storybook while I'm reading. So suddenly she shot me questions with regards to the book I'm reading to her. I was like what? Ain't she not paying attention? That took me aback, totally. 

Yeah, and she totally looked like someone from my class, who is none other than, Hui Li. They're like clones, just that they are of different height, and her name is Chloe. Sucha soft-spoken girl.  

We had fun and games session with the kids there and I guess what they really appreciate is the love from the older 'siblings' like us. They couldn't bear to leave us and were then elated when they heard that we are coming back the following week.

Then there was the class story book reading session. So who was the reader out of like 10 students?

 It's none other than,
me. (Gives a wide smile but don't mean it)

Yes, I love to read to young kids, but I'm not like those pre-eminent readers okay. 
I'm just like everyone.
 Just because I'm from UPonstage doesn't mean I'm the best. I'm not really angry about the fact that I was sabotaged to read, but the fact that people took UPonstage as something to use against me. For your information, UPonstage is totally a CCA not only for better English Language pronunciation and articulation, but it also teaches other skills like acting etc. So I really want to accentuate that UPonstage is not a CCA in which you get to perfect your English only and don't assume that I'm flaunting my skills in front of the kids with my whatsoever English. Okay people, I'm here to end my post. With the happy yet miserable, cheers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#52 - A Day To Remember

This was supposed to be for yesterday's Valentine's day (: Since today is Total Defence Day, I can just use this picture for both days. 

Valentine's Day this year was absolutely, heh. 


The atmosphere is not even there. Valentine's Day has become nothing significant but a normal school day. How I wish it is a public holiday so we get to understand how important it is for couples to spend their time together.


I meant, we would be able to rest for another day, at least for those who are still not attached. 

Okay, so today is rather an important day to remember. 

I being super sarcastic. (For those who are still waiting for the punchline, it's over.) 

 That's what I can recall from what most teachers said. Yes, today is total Defence Day. This year's kind of deadening since there's nothing much, just a performance put up by the uniform groups.

Well, I'm trying to be nice, for this year. As you know, Total Defence Day always make us go "Sigh". 

I appreciate the efforts by those who participated. 

Yeah, so Titanic was on Tv last night. The most touching movie I've ever watched since young. 
Still felt the sense of heat travelling down your throat even if I'm watching it for the 5th or 6th time. Totally, melts your heart.

So I thought I may tear and, 

I really,


 It was out in 1997 and till now, 2011, it's still being shown. Surely a great movie, no wonder they play it on Tv numerous times. 

Even though it was so many years ago, the quality of the movie is still fantastic. This is one of the best movies I've ever watched and I think they spent a huge bomb to create all these effects. A pity that Rose, the survivor, have passed away in real life. Well all thanks to her, we get to know about the Titanic. So for those who haven't watched Titanic before, I urge you to watch it ASAP, and you'll find it very heart-warming. 

Alright, that's all. Cheers.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

#51 - Weather Moodswings

The aberrant weather these days is getting on my nerves! One moment you feel the heat from the sun clinging onto your skin, the next, you are being soaked to the skin. 

Totally frustrated cause I ain't a person who likes to carry an umbrella out of the house. It's just so troublesome. 

If only someone invented an umbrella that will come to your aid. 
Yeah, if only. Easier said than done. Maybe I'm the first one to do that. According to Adam Khoo, you must believe! 

Haha, but actions still have to be taken and I'm lazy (: So let me accentuate that Global warming is still getting worse! 

And yeah, the screaming of the thunder is blasting on my ear drums and I kind of abhor that. Next time, I'll make sure that the windows in my house are sound-proof. I can't think properly when there's something blasting in my mind, distracting me from my thoughts. Grr.

Today is a Saturday by the way. Which means.... time to do homework .__.
 I'm yearning to hang out with my friends instead of being restricted within the four walls in my room, trying to tolerate this pathetic weather. Whatever now, I'm going to complete my homework and be like a no life freak, watching Tv programmes. Alright, cheers. Happy weekends, not.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#50 - A friend In Need, A friend In Deed

CNY Day 03.

Actually, nothing much took place on the third day on CNY. Just that the usual 10 plus people gathered for a celebration. Including me (: Yay, it's really awesome to have class gatherings on CNY. You know. Yeah.

So these few days, I've been tied down by books! 

Oops, I meant facebook. 

Quite free these days, but not long after the tests gonna start pouring in. I seriously need to maintain my grades if not I'm gonna watch someone do some annoying actions. It's so obvious who it is, but no names shall be mentioned. Privacy shall still be privated after all. :D

Heh, actually it makes no sense. Haha.

Yeah, so today something happened. Someone took my A-maths textbook home. So it turned out like this.

A took B's book by accident. 

(Wait, I shall be A, sounds nicer .__.)
So B took C's book by accident. So C took my book cause his book is taken. So A has got no books to refer to for homework. Luckily, two wonder women saved my day, by sending me pictures of the A-maths questions. I'm so touched by the actions. This shows that I've good friends around me :DDD

And they are none other than.....

Yuhui & Pamela. 

(Okay, It's real small.) Peace. (Y)

Oh yeah, by the way, there has been people from other countries reading my blog. Then the statistics showed that they visited my blog to read about 

Ferrero Rocher. Hmph!

I was like err, since it's like a random comment in my post.

Yeah, lastly, to all readers. Please forgive me for the enormous-humongous-large-big-gigantic-huge- inserts another word- pictures in my blog. There's something just wrong about the codes and I seriously have no time to, entertain it. Cause I can't see them. Yes, this may be ridiculous but yeah, enjoy seeing my big big face if there's any. Alright, cheers :DDDD

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#49 - Festive Season

CNY. Day 02.

Yeah, love this picture. I simply love the green patch of grass. The tickling feeling simply alleviates any aches in the feet.

Mahjong-ed through the boring second day of CNY. Yeah, I won after changing seat. Must be something to do with my luck, or what the traditional people would say : Fengshui  .___.

And of course, had fun with Coco. Just two days, she became something that will always make me direct my attention to. 

Yeah, count Red packets too. Hmm, became a money face person for one day.

And Lastly, 
(A picture of..)
Me (not). Hahahahaha!

So anyway, caught an enticing view from the, school. Hmm. The weather was mad wet and windy. Got soaked to the skin on the way home. Was expecting for a rainbow too, since the sun was still up.

Again, I didn't see any ._.

Not even a kind soul offered me an umbrella.
Well, cause I didn't asked for one. heh.

So let me show you the picture. You'll be shocked that our school has the capacity to provide beautiful views.

It wouldn't have been that nice if not for the palm trees. Alright, cheers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

#48 - A Family Gathering

Happy Chinese New Year!

Day 01.

 Yeah, an opportune weather for the first day. 
Finally freed from the pours.
Headed for the maternal side first (:

 So this was what my cousins were playing. Hmm, it looked fun and I felt interested & decided to learn.

But as expected, I didn't.


I don't know how to play and don't even want to know how to play. (: 
-End of story-

After lunch, headed back. (:

 Coco,a silky terrier! One word, cute.

She don't like to be restricted in a cage. Guess her expression explains it all. She's a super active bitch! (:

I meant, a female dog (:

Family plus Relatives gathering! The rest are standing outside (: Heh. Okay, I don't know what Tv programmes they are watching. Rest assure it's some boring dramas during CNY and not some pirated movies etc. There's so little shows to watch & they can barely fill up the number of fingers on one hand.

 Grandpa right here. Yeah, as you can see, there's some BBQ-ed food at the top left of the table. Had a BBQ on the first day of Chinese New Year. I know it's unprecedented.
Went around to take photos of people!

 My nephew, Rayden.

 His brother, Zenden. Three year old, yet smart.

 Coco peeping for any newcomers that are scared of her. Haha! 

 Zenden taking photos with my cousin. 

Me (:

Yeah, this year's New Year ain't fun at all. There wasn't really anything to do. Just monopoly deal-ed and Mahjong. Yup, more posts coming up. Cheers.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#47 - A Brand New Year

Happy Chinese New Year, 2011 !

Yay, it's officially Chinese New Year, which means time to get lots of $$Money$$ ~!!
Looking forward to the following days to receive red packets and have fun with relatives (:
(Even though I know the atmosphere ain't there..)

Haha, I'll post soon after all the celebrations (: Cheers.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#46 - A Current Ahead

Yes, I'm a easily satisfied person.


After purchasing my New clothes for the celebration two days away, I'm still not satisfied with what I've bought. I think it's not enough. I want to get a new pair of shoes preferably one that goes with my outfit. 

But, where time? Playing Hide-and-seek with me is what I can say.

By the way, I'm considering to get contacts as well. Since my eyes are utterly, small. The only word that I can think of. However thinking of that, I'm lazy to wear contacts as well. Heh. 

There's still ups and downs for the Earth's mood. I mean, there's rain poring and sun re-appearing randomly. It's nothing phenomenal yet it ain't mundane as well. Yeah, the reason being, the rainy season came late. I know it's boring to talk about all these, but seriously, if you're not gonna care, then who will?

Well, putting these aside, I realized how busy I'm gonna get soon. after CNY, tests will start queuing up waiting for me to attending to them. What's more, SYF is just two months away. Heh, we ain't gonna get a COP for this year. Well at least, I'm hoping for a bronze. That's at least presentable. Well, this year gonna be a tough year, viewing from the second month. I might be on hiatus, but be sure that I'll be back. Cheers.