Monday, January 3, 2011

# 38 - Food For Thought

27'09 :D

Yay-ness, back from Bbq yesterday :D Had a hell lot of fun! Thanks to those who went for it. Once again, thanks to Pyuhuiz for organizing this Bbq as well as Chuxuan, Janice & Chiahsuan for helping to carry those 12 heavy bottles of drinks and equipment :D  Thanks to Zhungkiat's dad for driving us home (:

Yeah, my hand almost gave up on me after carrying so many things & thanks to the nice weather. Just a pity that some couldn't make it for the meeting.

 Wow, this is how the outing began.. Haha! Some people doing dirty work!

 (In the process of throwing Juven into the waters o-o)..

 Nearing the sea. Guess what?  Nothing happened. Heh. :D

 Group photo before they went to rent bikes and buy kite (:

 Starting fire? Nah, fire already started. This photo was uploaded with no intentions to show Alvan's armpit, the main purpose was to show some fire (:

 Bbqing.. Curry chicken wings (sponsored by Weikang's Mum) Thanks (Y)! Hotdogs, satays & Crabmeat!

 Group Bbq, Chuxuan trying to find a spot to bbq her hotdog! Hahaha! 

 Now with Stingray & Sotong! Nom nom nom..

 The super bohua kite that some of them kup-ed. SGD 12.90. You can get one @ Marina for SGD 5 lor! But, the kite quite nice actually, a stingray! And it was returned to the sea later at night.

 Well, in the end the string got tangled.

 Haha! Ran away with the Bacon that was bbq-ed and we ended up getting caught on camera!
 Trying to crack the empty bottle with sparkles.

 Result: Fail! Haha! But it's damn nice la.

 Emo shot failed!  Ended up smiling at the camera. Actually, we all tried to be emo, but just failed!

 Group photo! Look @ Alvan's face.

 This shot is as if we are stalked by paparazzi. Three cameras shooting at a time! Didn't know which camera to look at. I ended up looking at the middle one since it will look best if I do so! Haha, and I did it!

 Someone didn't want to get candid shot. But you know, you can't escape from photographers like me! Nice face, haha!

 Playing Murderer!

 On Zhungkiat's father's Lorry, on the way home. Super shiok!

 Some people just got too much hair on the head!
And the worst photo of the day...
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Ta-da. :D Guess who it is? Haha!

Alright, bye (:

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