Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#44 - Chocolates

Yes, eight more days to Chinese New Year. 
I haven't get my New year clothes. I can't find time. Okay, maybe cause it's good in Hide-&-Seek. 
Everyone's like getting their clothes by this week & me? 
Earliest date that I'm free: 31st January.


Ferrero Rocher. Helped me to stay awake these days to study for test. Just wish that all my test can soon. They've peen pouring in since the start of last week. Yeah, it have been raining for days as well. It rained 5 times yesterday.

(Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind.)

Our dearest Mummy Earth is sick ):

Alright, I'll be back for more updates soon! Yeah, along with CNY pictures as well.

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