Saturday, January 8, 2011

#39 - Get your LV & Gucci

  Alright, I'm back to post after so long of MIA-ing. 
The first week of school started well and ended well I guess. No homeworks for me. Heh. :D

So, I'm here with a message to whoever is reading this.

So according to helpful resources from Nuffnang, someone have been stalking me. It's either the owner of the blog keeps posting about me, or someone keeps entering my blog via the owner's URL. 

So the URL is. 
Well, I seriously have no idea who you are. So if you're kind enough, please drop me a message at my facebook or email me.
I don't mind if you're scolding me in all of your posts, talking about me or stalking me. Cause you privated your blog. I seriously have no idea about anything. Thank you (:  

Okay, whatever. Back with what I'm suppose to blog about. Yes, so the CCA Open House went well (:
What a pity that Zhen Ming & Ziwei are absent, if not they'll have fun. So, the theme for this year was actually haunted house, but we couldn't use the idea since the Open House have limited access to other areas of the school. Well, we got stationed at the bookshop again. Okay, I don't think that's a good spot. However, it's not a bad place either. At least we aren't blocked by anything. (: Moreover, our nicely done Banner by our Secondary ones (thanks) can be seen from far.

This year's Open House was rather successful, since we've got like 22 people signing up. What's better is that there are certain students who are passionate to be part of UPonstage (:  

Heh, so I'm going to receive money from the government today (: SGD650, what am I going to do with it? 
I've decided to bank in the cheque again (: That's what I've been doing since young. Well, you need to start saving since young if you want to be independent and not depend on your parents for money, like a mummy or daddy's boy. Seriously, some people just doesn't save up since they think that their parents can take care of them. Well, I'll tell you hell no that your parents will take care of you till you die.

1 simple reason to save.

   You need money for your future retirement. Since you've started saving since young, you don't even need to work for a long period of time. I'm planning to retire at around 50. That's way earlier than the actual 62. 12 years less of working. Don't depend on your CPF cause it's like not enough to feed your whole family. Moreover, you can use the money that you saved, for investments and buying insurances since many of us will be not as healthy as before.

 You won't be depressed due to the lack of money (:

 Then, you get to enjoy life, at home (:

 With so much money, you can get all the things you longed for.

 Limited Edition watches.

 Travel around the world sitting in the first class cabin.

 Get your Louis Vuitton.

 Enjoy your Prada.

And finally, dress yourself up in Gucci.

Haha, that's what I'm planning. Well, another way is to do the opposite of what others are doing.
In times when people are buying apartments, you sell.
In times when people are selling apartments, you buy.
In times when stock prices are rising, you sell ASAP. (Don't be greedy)
In times when stock prices are falling, you sell ASAP. (Don't think to positively)
In times when people are buying and selling gold since they think they can make big money, you sit aside and laugh at them. (Seriously, if every one does that, the price of gold will fall and you will not earn in the end. So why bother?)

That's all (: Bye.

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