Monday, January 10, 2011

#40 - A little Luck

  I've gotten back my 'O'level results.
Heh, I bet you're so desperate to find out. 
(be patient..)

Heh, for my Chinese only.
Got my desired results, and unexpectedly, I got an A which I thought I don't deserve one due to my carelessness.
Pure luck I guess.
Well, Mr. Cheang actually told us that there are two kinds of As you'll get. 
One, those who naturally are A* students will get an A. Two, simply getting it by luck.

Yes, I think I belong to group two. Heh. Well, there's confirm some ups and downs right at the hall. Grats to my senior, LIM EN YI (: 7 A1s. Madness. Well, kind of sad to see others tearing up as they didn't do that well. After all, no point crying over spilled milk. Let's pick yourselves up and move ahead. Let's study together and do our best (:

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