Saturday, January 1, 2011

#37 - Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone (:

Yes, it's finally 2011. All the things in 2010 finally ended. Well, 2010 was rather a tiring year, with occasional hiccups here and there. Hope that 2011 will be better.

Yeah, gotta have some new year resolutions :D 

1. Get my desired grades for 'O' levels. DUH!
2. Get desired grades for School Examinations. 
3. Grow taller. :D Yeah, I'm no longer the shortest boy in the class okay. :D Next year there will be a change in the photo-taking arrangements. That's what I'm waiting for. (Y)
4. Have a class outing with 47'11. Seriously, I don't get why it's hard for even 10 people to attend an outing when there's like 41 people & I seriously don't like spoilers.
5. Have a chalet with 27'09 after 'O' levels :D
6. Get distinction for Mother Tongue 'O' levels. Gosh, almost forgot about this. Prays hard it's a one.
7. UPonSTAGE to get an award for SYF & have a proper and permanent CCA room.
8. To get Edusave scholarship once again. HEHE:D I'm greedy!

  Yeah, that's all. Hope that all my friends out there as well as my family, relatives, to stay happy and healthy (:
Looking forward to the BBq tomorrow.  Cheers, 2011.

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