Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#41 - A Tower Over The Other

Yes, I'm freaking drowsy today, after taking the prescribed flu pills this morning.  I have no options, since therewasn't any Panadol cold relief pills.

Slept through maths class with my eyes open. Damn xiasuey today, banged against a wall on the way home. Luckily, there was only an old uncle around. Heh. I think I need to bring toothpicks tomorrow and be like Mr Bean, using toothpicks to prevent his eyes from closing.

Yeah, so today, we took height and MASS measurement. I'm officially free from being the shortest boy in 47. This year's class photo, I'm gonna stand somewhere in the middle (:

2010 height order: Me - Hakim - Daren - Andrew - Jorrick - Weikang - Kenneth - Norman - Daniel.
2011 height order: Hakim - Jorrick - Me - Weikang - Daren - Andrew - Kenneth - Norman - Daniel.

I know this is annoying, but I love it. I've also lost 550g in mass, like wth. I want to be heavier and yet, there I am, still as skinny. Heh.

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